Intelligent Transport Systems and Services to improve our daily lives

September 22nd, 2009

Today, the 16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS) in Stockholm kicked off, under the theme “ITS in Daily Life”.  During four days, over 2500 delegates will attend this annual meeting point of transport executives from around the globe, held in Europe only once every three years, to share high-tech transport insights. 

Intelligent Transport Systems and Services are the integration of information and communication technologies in various transport modes. Examples of these include high-tech technologies enabling vehicles cooperating and ‘talking’ to each other, electronic tolling solutions, advanced driver assistance systems, real time traffic and travel information services etc...  The continuing goal of the World Congress on ITS is to promote awareness and deployment of these promising technologies for all transport modes.

Mr. Antonio Tajani, Vice President at the European Commission (Transport): “This ITS World Congress is a milestone for pushing deployment of ITS forward, in line with the European Commission's ITS Action Plan.”

Mr. Zoran Stančič, Deputy Director-General at the European Commission (Information Society and Media): “this Congress clearly shows that it is time now for a European large-scale action to give ITS another major push.”

Both EU officials agreed: “An increased use of ITS will bring benefit in terms of safety, the environment, the economy and standard of living. The EU is committed to getting ITS deployed in Europe.”

Speaking at the Congress Opening Ceremony, Gunter Zimmermeyer (Robert Bosch), Chairman of ERTICO - ITS Europe says: “The theme “ITS in Daily Life” reflects the importance of deploying already existing ITS systems. Public-private cooperation is the key to the success of ITS in Europe.”

The Stockholm Congress takes place during the Swedish Presidency of the European Union. Ministers of Transport will attend a meeting in connection with the Opening of the ITS World Congress. High level EU officials will also be speaking at various executive sessions of the Congress.

With participants from over 60 countries, the ITS World Congress is an unmissable event in the global transport calendar.

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