The chemistry (and fascinating history) of pepper, the spice that changed the world

March 4th, 2014
Pepper is one of the most plentiful condiments in the world today, but it used to be more valuable than gold. In the American Chemical Society's latest Reactions video, we examine how pepper's delectable chemistry made it a key player in the global spice trade. In 1498, the sought-after spice helped usher in the so-called "Age of Discovery," which bridged the gap between the Middle Ages and the Modern era. The videos are available at the links below: Credit: The American Chemical Society

Pepper is one of the most plentiful condiments in the world today, but it used to be more valuable than gold. In the American Chemical Society's (ACS') latest Reactions video, we examine how pepper's delectable chemistry made it a key player in the global spice trade. The sought-after spice helped usher in the "Age of Discovery," which bridged the gap between the Middle Ages and the Modern era. And because we're celebrating our second month of existence, it's a Reactions double feature this week. In our second video, we examine the science behind the most misunderstood spice in the world: allspice. The videos are available at the links below:

The chemistry of pepper, the spice that changed the world:

Allspice: The world's most misunderstood spice:

Provided by American Chemical Society