EARTH: Studies re-examine how major copper deposits form

June 24th, 2015

Humans depend on copper for everything from electrical wiring to water pipes. To meet demand, the metal has been largely mined from Porphyry Copper Deposits (PCDs). For decades, scientists generally agreed upon the geological processes behind PCD formation; now EARTH Magazine examines two new studies that suggest alternatives to these long-held understandings.

From enriched pulses of magmatic fluids creating copper concentrations, to remelted crust allowing deeper PCDs to rise up to shallower depths, these conclusions may better inform geologists about where large new copper deposits may be located. Get the full perspective on this new research in the July Issue of EARTH Magazine:

The July 2015 Issue of EARTH Magazine is now available on the Digital Newsstand at and includes stories about the unique careers of science illustrators, how amateur radio users help scientists study space weather, and an investigation in Australia about what killed off Pleistocene megafauna. For the complete issue go to or subscribe in print to receive the July/August 2015 double issue.

Provided by American Geosciences Institute