Japanese science prize for German chemist Stefan Kaskel

January 26th, 2016

The chemist Professor Stefan Kaskel of the Technical University of Dresden (TUD) receives for his scientific work on new energy storage materials an Award from the "Japan Society for the Promotion of Science" (JSPS). The award is connected with a four-week research stay at Osaka in Japan. Stefan Kaskel will start this exchange in spring 2016. In the "National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology" (AIST) in Osaka he will meet Prof. Xu Qiang. He is looking forward to meet Prof. Qiang Xu for exchanging new results in chemical materials research, and initiating new cooperations with Japan in the battery field, Stefan Kaskel says.

Professor Stefan Kaskel is specialized in the field of new batteries and gas storage materials. His research focus are high performance carbon materials. These porous nano-structured materials have a very high specific surface. Thereby they could play a key role in the future developments of lithium-sulfur batteries and other new energy storage systems.

While the electrodes in current lithium-ion batteries often only achieves a specific surface of about 1500 square meters per gram of material, the new carbon materials could enable more than 3000 square meters per gram, believes Professor Stefan Kaskel. This could double the energy density of future battery systems. And the energy density of batteries is critical for the range of future electric cars, or for the use of lithium-sulfur batteries as an energy buffer for wind or solar power systems.

Stefan Kaskel is 46 years old. He holds the "Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I" at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the TUD. He works also at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS) Dresden.

The JSPS is a reputed organization promoting international scientific exchange in Japan, comparable to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany.

Provided by Dresden University of Technology