It’s ‘work in progress’ at the R2CITIES demo site in Kartal, Turkey
February 3rd, 2016 • R2Cities Communication Secretariat
After completion of the tender procedure of renovation, construction works have now started at the Nursing Home, one of three demo buildings earmarked under R2CITIES for renovation in Kartal's Yakacık district.
The works involve disassembly, insulation, recycling and site management at this large nursing home building. Roofing and façades have already been dismantled and now insulation is being carried out. Electro-mechanical systems are also being dismantled while excavation work has been completed for a semi-Olympic pool and water tanks at the building site. Drilling operations for heat pump have started and building site waste is being sifted and recycled.
We have also set up the necessary linkages between the BIM office, the site management and administration to coordinate the construction works in terms of BIM, design and production.
The works planned for the two other buildings in Yakacık district are currently being organised with the project team convening weekly to ensure multidisciplinary coordination.
More information:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 314473