American Academy of Biomolecular Medicine Launches with International Training in Intravenous NAD+ Therapy

September 17th, 2019 • Tara Smith, Executive Director
American Academy of Biomolecular Medicine

American Academy of Biomolecular Medicine (AABMM), the educational division of NAD Research Inc., a Louisiana 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, announces its launch with the only international physician education program available for intravenous Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+). The organization's mission is to educate physicians and researchers on cellular regeneration through the use of biomolecules and coenzyme and, in particular, to support research efforts on NAD+.

Industry leaders from across the globe, including Dr. Richard Mestayer, III, from Springfield, Louisiana, and Dr. Ross Grant, from the Australian Research Group, have collaborated to produce a rigorous training program that includes online education and hands-on experience. Dr. Mestayer, III, facilitates the clinical training at Springfield Wellness Center, where the protocols and administration techniques have been developed and refined for two decades.

Globally, NAD+ has been used over half a century to help individuals detox from chemical dependencies, and recently has been utilized to promote cellular regeneration in healthy individuals, as well as those suffering from degenerative and chronic conditions. The exponential growth in popularity of the therapy has created a demand in standardization of treatment protocols and physician education, a gap the AABMM seeks to fill.

"Administering NAD+ therapy is more complicated than many physicians understand at first," states Dr. Mestayer, III. "These protocols are designed to create consistency and set the patient up for success during treatment. Veering away from basics, such as combining NAD+ with other compounds, or using a product of inferior quality, can result in less than optimal outcomes and experiences for the patient."

New board members named to NAD Research, Inc., to oversee AABMM include Jade Berg, Ph.D., Halland Chen, M.D., Tyson Olds, M.D., and Elizabeth Stuller, M.D.

NAD Research Inc.

For more information on intravenous NAD+ training, or to inquire about the ongoing research on NAD+, please contact or visit

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a coenzyme that is involved in energy production and over a hundred different physiological processes within the body. Research has shown that NAD+ levels decline with age, and in populations afflicted with addiction, alcoholism, stress and depression are deficient in optimal levels of NAD+. 

About American Academy of Biomolecular Medicine

American Academy of Biomolecular Medicine (AABMM) is located at 32900 Pitcher Road, Springfield, Louisiana. It serves as the educational division of NAD Research, Inc., a Louisiana 501(c)(3) research nonprofit investigating Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide for its therapeutic applications related to brain and cellular regeneration. AABMM aims to offer continuing medical education courses, host live events, support the publication of physician research, and raise funds for future research and academic development. For more information, email or visit us online at

More information: … nagi.2019.00257/full

Provided by American Academy of Biomolecular Medicine