Study: After appendicitis, routine post-op labs expensive, often unnecessary

June 12th, 2023

A new study from Yale School of Medicine finds for patients without comorbidities, routine lab work performed after appendectomy for acute appendicitis (AA) significantly increases costs without impacting the course of treatment.

In a study of 3,711 patients with AA, postoperative labs increased average length of stay from 14.15 hours to 48.28 hours and increased costs by $472.12 per patient.

Researchers say routine post-operative labs are likely an unnecessary driver of costs in AA treatment.

More information:
Joshua A. Sznol et al, Routine post-operative labs and healthcare system burden in acute appendicitis, The American Journal of Surgery (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2023.06.005

Provided by Yale School of Medicine