Could research ships run on sustainable vegetable oil in the future?

September 14th, 2023 • Testing begins on powering UK science vessels with hydrotreated vegetable oil
RRS James Cook. Credit: UKRI

The UK's research vessels have begun fuel trials to establish whether they can be powered by low carbon hydrotreated vegetable oil, or HVO.

The trials, which started this summer, will explore the potential of using sustainably sourced HVO as an interim approach to achieving reductions in carbon emissions, without impacting on scientific capability.

The British Antarctic Survey and the National Oceanography Centre operates two vessels taking part in the trials, RRS Sir David Attenborough and RRS James Cook on behalf of the UK government science funder, the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

The trials are part of the NERC's ambition to reach 'net zero' operational carbon emissions by 2040, in line with UK Research and Innovation's environmental sustainability strategy.

NERC's research ships account for over 70% of its carbon footprint in 2022 to 2023. Therefore, these fuel trials form an important part of a wider collaboration between NERC, British Antarctic Survey and the National Oceanography Centre focused on long-term decarbonisation of marine facilities.

Other actions include investigating options to upgrade ship propulsion systems to increase efficiency and modifying infrastructure to facilitate renewable shore power supplies.

Investment is also being made in technology to improve ship route planning as well as tools to embed carbon considerations into marine planning and decision-making processes.

Additionally, this collaboration will support ongoing work by the Future Marine Research Infrastructure programme and the Antarctic Infrastructure Modernisation Programme to drive innovation which delivers marine and polar research in low carbon ways.

RRS Sir David Attenborough. Credit: UKRI

The 2023 trials aim to assess the technical compatibility of HVO with the ship engines and evaluate the performance and efficiency of the ships using HVO compared to marine gas oil.

HVO is a relatively new alternative fuel, and although several marine transport and logistic companies have trialled its use, its performance in ship engines needs to be better understood.

As part of the trials' activities, NERC is carefully considering key challenges around sustainability and availability of HVO, as well as the cost, logistical and emissions implications of using this alternative fuel source.

HVO is considered a biofuel and can be produced from a range of feedstocks. However, it is only sustainable if produced from waste-derived materials rather than from crops grown specifically for fuels.

As environment-focused scientific organisations it is important that there are not unintended environmental consequences of switching to an alternative fuel source.

NERC is actively working with potential suppliers of HVO and independent regulatory bodies, such as the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification initiative. We are developing robust assurance processes, which exceed recognised global standards, for procuring HVO from sustainable sources.

These fuel trials along with the wider marine decarbonisation activities form part of NERC's Carbon Pathway, which underpins efforts to meet 'net zero' operational carbon emissions by 2040.

Following the trials, NERC will consider whether HVO should be adopted for wider ship operations moving forwards, continually reviewing emerging evidence relating to HVO, its supply chains and market fluctuations.

Provided by UK Research and Innovation