Webinar Series | Policies about third-party data within Public Administration. Lessons learned from the e-scooter STARDU

October 12th, 2023

The STARDUST Webinar Series is back! Join us on October 31, from 10 AM, as we break down how public administration ought to handle third-party data using a STARDUST implementation as a case study.

As societies become ever-more digitalized and everything becomes "smart", public administrations such as city councils need to get smarter in their data management too.

But what does this mean in practice? What are the legal implications of data use—and data reuse? What does this entail from a technical standpoint?

Drawing on the real case of an e-scooter scheme set up in Trento, Italy, as part of the STARDUST project, this webinar will explore these technical and legal aspects of public data handling and look at the policy implications.

The Agenda (All times in CET)

· 10:00—10:05—Welcome address

· 10:05—10:10—Introduction to the webinar

· 10: 10—10: 25—"Dataspaces for public administrations: overcoming obstacles, harnessing opportunities (Riccardo Nanni)

· 10:20—10: 35—From e-scooters to data-driven solutions: Trento's Journey with Stardust (Maurizio Napolitano)

· 10:35—10: 50—Discussion and Q&A

· 10:50—11:00—Event closing

The webinar will be moderated by Mark Thompson, ICONS communication officer.

Click here to sign-up.

These webinars, along with other smart city learning materials, will be available on the Smart City Academy – an e-learning platform set up as part of the STARDUST project in order to further the learning experience for towns and cities across Europe

Get to know our panelists

Riccardo Nanni

Riccardo Nanni is a data governance researcher at the Digital Commons Lab (DCL) of the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento. His primary focus is government and corporate policies with regard to data and digital infrastructure. He holds a Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences from the University of Bologna and teaches Media, Politics and Human Rights at the University of Padova.

Maurizio Napolitano

Maurizio Napolitano is a technologist at the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento and is currently the Head of the Digital Commons Lab (DCL). In this regard, his primary focus lies in the development of policies, actions, and software related to open data. He also contributes to academia by teaching Geospatial Analysis as part of the Data Science Master's program at the University of Trento.

Provided by iCube Programme