Environmental damage in structural materials under static/cyclic loads at ambient temperatures
January 12th, 2011
While significant progress in our understanding of environment-assisted cracking (EAC) has been achieved in recent years, important fundamental questions like "how environment affects the crack driving force" remain unanswered.
Our objective is to congregate a group of "skilled in the art" researchers in metallic materials for a workshop that will endeavor to clarify our current understanding of EAC and identify approaches that improve the current semi-quantitative understanding of the mechanisms.
The emphasis of the papers will be on:
systematic evaluation of the governing parameters such as thresholds stress intensity factors, crack growth rates, steady state behavior, effects of yield stress, microstructure, and concentration of the aggressive environment (aqueous, gaseous, LME), and load-history on static/cyclic corrosion crack growth; experimental data on crack initiation and/or growth and unifying principles governing static and cyclic crack growth phenomena;
analysis of crack tip chemistry, morphlogy, stress and strain;
new techniques for measuring crack initiation in aqueous environments;
understanding and quantifying behavior rather than reporting measurements;
ambient temperatures and common service environments.
The meeting will be held in Krakow, Poland. There will be a series of contributions by the participants during which participation from the audience will be encouraged. 4 days are allocated for Stress Corrosion and 1 day for fatigue.
This conference is designed as a single session (i.e., no parallel sessions), allowing for talks of 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions/answers.
Suitable papers will be published in Metallurgical Transactions.
Conference Organizers
A. K. Vasudevan (Office of Naval Research) (vasudea@onr.navy.mil)
Henry Holroyd (Luxfer, Inc.) (henry.holroyd@luxfer.net)
Richard Ricker (NIST) (rricker@nist.gov)
Neville Moody (Sandia National Laboratories) (nrmoody@sandia.gov)
Submission of Abstracts
Abstracts are invited for oral lectures and poster sessions. The deadline for 300-400 word abstract is February 25, 2011 and the organizing committee will respond by March 25, 2011. Abstracts should be submitted electronically following the instructions given in On-line Abstract Submission. If you encounter any problems with the submission process, contact Engineering Conferences International (ECI) at info@engconfintl.org or 1-212-514-6760.
Conference Venue
Krakow, Poland
Krakow is a dynamic destination for avant-guard art, jazz, street theater and student life. Krakow is considered the cultural capital of Poland with its love of music, theater and poetry. This medieval city is a delight to the eyes, with a large market square, gothic towers that spiral to the sky, castles and, of course, legends about dragons. It is particularly walker-friendly as one explores narrow backstreets, hidden courtyards and underground tunnels and cellars.
Provided by Engineering Conferences International