Female biz owners at NJIT's EDC named top NJ entrepreneurs

November 30th, 2011

Own It Ventures, in collaboration with New Jersey Monthly magazine will honor three women business owners located at the NJIT Enterprise Development Center (EDC). Marjorie Perry, president of MZM Construction, Linda Sharkus, PhD, president of AcquiSci Inc., and Peggy McHale, principal at Consultants 2 Go, will be named among the top 25 leading women entrepreneurs and business owners in New Jersey for their service, leadership and contributions to New Jersey's economic recovery. The event (www.ownitventures.com) will be held 6 p.m. on Dec. 8, 2011, at the Mansion, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Florham Park.

"It is extraordinary that so many of our women entrepreneurs in our business accelerator program in Newark are being acknowledged for their achievements." said Judith Sheft, NJIT Associate Vice President, whose responsibilities include oversight of EDC. "It shows that our commitment to these women and their companies can have a tremendous impact on the state's economy."

More remarks include:

"It is an honor to be a part of such an elite group of women. With the support of the resources provided by NJIT's EDC, I have been able to grow my business and mentor other women as well," said McHale.

"I cannot tell you how proud it makes you feel when your peers acknowledge you for your accomplishments. I am thrilled to be a part of this wonderful night of recognition," said Perry.

"I would like to thank those at the NJIT-EDC Incubator who have helped AcquiSci and me through the challenging times of an early stage company. The resources have been extremely helpful with regard to our development," said Sharkus.

Provided by New Jersey Institute of Technology