Browsing Tips and Tricks
Here are some tips and tricks on browsing, Medical Xpress or Tech Xplore according to your personal preference:
1. Go to your favorite news category section. The tabs at the top of the page provide easy navigation. As an example; Biology News or more specifically, Microbiology or Plants & Animals.
2. Frequent readers may browse 'All' stories by clicking on 'Sort by Date' located on the top of any sub-page or the home page. You will notice that you get an immediate list of all stories arranged according to the very latest to the oldest. Science X subscribers have the additional advantage of utilizing the 'Unread News' feature (e.g. 'Unread News'). Each time a subscriber logs into Science X, a simple click of the button 'Unread News' located on the top of the home page will result in a list of all news stories published since the readers last visit. A reader may then sort the results according to date, popularity or live rank. Subscribing to Science X takes only a few worthwhile moments and your information is kept confidential.
3. For readers short on time to browse through all 100 stories generally published each day, consider using Sort by Rank, LiveRank or Popularity at the top of the home page or other sub-pages. This method will produce the most interesting stories chosen by Science X editors, artificial intelligence or Science X readers.
4. Readers interested in only the very latest news can access the 'Latest news' tab (, located on the top section of the home page.
5. If you become a subscriber/member of Science X you will have access to the 'My News' feature (see a separate help doc for this extremely powerful and useful feature). This is a very powerful feature that lets you create your own story filters. You can choose news categories of your interest, sorting preferences and other personalized features.