All News / Scientists pinpoint strategies that could stop cats from scratching your furniture

Many cat owners are familiar with torn cushions, carpets, and couches. The feline instinct to scratch is innate, but is often perceived as a behavioral problem by cat owners, and sometimes leads to interventions that are ...

1 hour ago in Biology / Two new species of Psilocybe mushrooms discovered in southern Africa

Two new species of psychoactive mushrooms in the genus Psilocybe have been described from southern Africa, bringing the list to six known species indigenous to Africa. Psilocybe species are among the most well-known and well-studied ...

8 hours ago in Biology / Invasive brown widow spiders found to host novel bacteria related to chlamydia

Invasive brown widow spiders across three continents were highly infected with a single strain of Rhabdochlamydia, a bacterium that is related to major pathogens of humans and animals, including chlamydia. A bite from these ...

13 hours ago in Biology / Dual-laser approach could lower cost of high-resolution 3D printing

Researchers have developed a new two-photon polymerization technique that uses two lasers to 3D print complex high-resolution structures. The advance could make this 3D printing process less expensive, helping it find wider ...

9 hours ago in Physics
Medical Xpress / New cancer treatment slows progression of aggressive neuroendocrine tumors, study finds

A novel approach for early cancer treatment known as radioligand therapy (RLT) has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of advanced neuroendocrine tumor progression and death, according to research led by scientists ...

9 hours ago in Medical research / Novel method enhances size-controlled production of luminescent quantum dots

Luminescence refers to the result of a process in which an object absorbs light at one wavelength and then re-emits it at another wavelength. Through light absorption, electrons in the ground state of the material are excited ...

10 hours ago in Nanotechnology / UV radiation damage leads to ribosome roadblocks, causing early skin cell death

In a recent study, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine suggest that the cell's messenger RNA (mRNA)—the major translator and regulator of genetic material—along with a critical protein called ZAK—spurs the cell's ...

9 hours ago in Biology / The demonstration of vacuum levitation and motion control on an optical-electrostatic chip

The levitation of microscopic objects in vacuum and the control of their movements while they are suspended was first demonstrated several decades ago. Since then, various research groups have been working on new approaches ...

18 hours ago in Nanotechnology / Cosmic simulation reveals how black holes grow and evolve

A team of astrophysicists led by Caltech has managed for the first time to simulate the journey of primordial gas dating from the early universe to the stage at which it becomes swept up in a disk of material fueling a single ...

11 hours ago in Astronomy & Space / German scientists investigate supernova remnant SNR G309.8+00.0 at high energies

Using Spektr-RG and Fermi space observatories, German astronomers have investigated the supernova remnant SNR G309.8+00.0 in X-rays and gamma rays. Results of the new study, presented June 25 on the preprint server arXiv, ...

17 hours ago in Astronomy & Space / Physicists' laser experiment excites atom's nucleus, may enable new type of atomic clock

For nearly 50 years, physicists have dreamed of the secrets they could unlock by raising the energy state of an atom's nucleus using a laser. The achievement would allow today's atomic clocks to be replaced with a nuclear ...

11 hours ago in Physics / Research shows how RNA 'junk' controls our genes

Researchers at Arizona State University have made a significant advance in understanding how genes are controlled in living organisms. The new study, published in the journal Nucleic Acids Research, focuses on critical snippets ...

12 hours ago in Biology