news / Exploring what happens when different spherical objects hit the water

When an object hits a body of water vertically, it is accompanied by a strong hydrodynamic force fueled by the flow of water around it, which propels it forward. The magnitude of this force is known to vary depending on the ...

18 hours ago in Physics / New study disputes Hunga Tonga volcano's role in 2023–24 global warm-up

New research from a collaborative team featuring Texas A&M University atmospheric scientist Dr. Andrew Dessler is exploring the climate impact of the 2022 Hunga Tonga volcano eruption and challenging existing assumptions ...

13 hours ago in Earth / Physicists introduce method for mechanical detection of individual nuclear decays

In recent years, physicists and engineers have developed increasingly sophisticated instruments to study particles and the interactions between them with high precision. These instruments, which include particle detectors, ...

20 hours ago in Physics / Study sheds more light on the nature of pulsar PSR J1227−6208

Astronomers from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfRA) in Bonn, Germany and elsewhere have inspected a recycled pulsar known as PSR J1227−6208. The new study, published July 18 on the preprint server arXiv, ...

20 hours ago in Astronomy & Space / Twisted carbon nanotubes could achieve significantly better energy storage than advanced lithium-ion batteries

An international team of scientists, including two researchers who now work in the Center for Advanced Sensor Technology (CAST) at UMBC, has shown that twisted carbon nanotubes can store three times more energy per unit mass ...

14 hours ago in Nanotechnology / New self-powered electrostatic tweezer enhances object manipulation and microfluidics

In a study published in Device has reported a new self-powered electrostatic tweezer that offers superior accumulation and tunability of triboelectric charges, enabling unprecedented flexibility and adaptability for manipulating ...

14 hours ago in Physics / Climate is most important factor in where mammals choose to live, study finds

While human activity has had a massive effect on the natural world, a new study from North Carolina State University finds that climate is still the most influential factor in determining where mammals can thrive. The work ...

14 hours ago in Biology / Team develops novel hybrid scheme for compressible flow computations

A team of scientists has developed a novel hybrid scheme for both steady and unsteady single-phase compressible flow simulations. Their scheme has potential applications in real-world scenarios, offering a promising avenue ...

14 hours ago in Physics / 3D models show dolphins already used narrow-band sound waves for orientation 5 million years ago

Senckenberg researcher Dr. Rachel Racicot and her former student Joyce Sanks from Vanderbilt University have examined the inner ear of the extinct dolphin genus Parapontoporia. In their study, published in the journal The ...

15 hours ago in Biology / New clam species discovered in South Africa's kelp forest

A new study sheds light on the unexplored diversity of galeommatoidean bivalves, a little-known group of marine mollusks, from the western coast of South Africa.

15 hours ago in Biology / Raman spectroscopy offers new insights into ionic liquid acidity

Researchers at the University of Liège have for the first time determined the acidity of ionic liquids using Raman spectroscopy, thanks to Hammett acidity functions. This advance promises to revolutionize our understanding ...

15 hours ago in Chemistry / New interaction network in endocytosis process discovered

AP180 is a protein involved in endocytosis and in signal transmission between nerve cells. This protein, which largely lacks a three-dimensional structure, has never been fully studied.

16 hours ago in Biology