news / Scientists discover new plants that could lead to 'climate-proof' chocolate

Scientists have found three new species that are close relatives to the plant from which chocolate is produced—a discovery that could pave the way for climate-proof chocolate. The team's research has been published in the ...

6 hours ago in Biology / Grasses in the fog: Plants support life in the desert

Researchers from the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Paleoenvironment (SHEP) at the University of Tübingen and the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Görlitz have studied the role of the desert grass Stipagrostis ...

6 hours ago in Biology / Sparrows as sentinels: Health study illustrates the interconnectedness of humans and wildlife

Why should a medical student develop an interest in conservation? According to a growing body of evidence, including a recent study co-authored by William & Mary biologist John Swaddle, the seemingly separate fields of health ...

6 hours ago in Biology / Compact cities found to have lower carbon emissions but poorer air quality, less green space and higher mortality rates

What types of cities exist in Europe and which are more favorable in terms of human health, environmental quality and carbon footprint? To answer these questions, a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) ...

21 hours ago in Earth / New theory reveals fracture mechanism in soft materials

A new theory has finally deciphered the physical mechanisms of fracture in soft materials. This discovery could soon lead to new, defect-free materials that are more resistant and durable as well as environmentally friendly. ...

23 hours ago in Physics / Energy landscape theory sheds light on evolution of foldable proteins

A new study led by Rice University's Peter Wolynes offers new insights into the evolution of foldable proteins. The research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Jul 3, 2024 in Biology / Researchers uncover key mechanisms in chromosome structure development

Researchers at Rice University are making strides in understanding how chromosome structures change throughout the cell's life cycle. Their study on motorized processes that actively influence the organization of chromosomes ...

23 hours ago in Biology / Astronomers observe a strong shock front in galaxy cluster SPT-CLJ 2031-4037

Using NASA's Chandra X-ray spacecraft, astronomers from the University of Alabama in Huntsville have observed a merging galaxy cluster known as SPT-CLJ 2031-4037. They detected a rarely seen strong shock front in this galaxy ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Astronomy & Space / Bone remains indicate extinct humans survived on the Tibetan plateau for 160,000 years

Bone remains found in a Tibetan cave 3,280 m above sea level indicate an ancient group of humans survived here for many millennia, according to a new study published in Nature.

Jul 3, 2024 in Other Sciences / Why do you keep your house so cold? Study suggests childhood home temperature can predict adult thermostat settings

Childhood home temperature and community connectedness can help predict how U.S. residents set their thermostats, offering new ways to encourage energy conservation and combat climate change, according to a study published ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Earth / World's oldest artwork discovered in Indonesian cave

It may not look like much—just a flaking image of three people around a big red pig.

Jul 3, 2024 in Other Sciences / New study challenges drought theory for Cahokia exodus

Nine hundred years ago, the Cahokia Mounds settlement just across the Mississippi River from present-day St. Louis bustled with roughly 50,000 people in the metropolitan area, making it one of the largest communities in the ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Other Sciences