All News / Pilot expeditions work to preserve the white shark in the Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is a paradise. Pristine waters and an incredible coastline spanning multiple continents are renowned the world over. Below those picturesque, and sometimes crowded, waters swims a legendary creature ...

1 hour ago in Biology / Giant meteorite impact 3.26 billion years ago may have aided early life

Billions of years ago, long before anything resembling life as we know it existed, meteorites frequently pummeled the planet. One such space rock crashed down about 3.26 billion years ago, and even today, it's revealing secrets ...

12 hours ago in Astronomy & Space / Unexpected beauty and major antimicrobial power boost as phages form into surprising flower shapes

A group of McMaster researchers who routinely work with bacteriophages—viruses that eat bacteria—had a pleasant and potentially very important surprise while preparing slides to view under a powerful microscope.

13 hours ago in Biology / Smallest dinosaur egg ever found confirmed in China

A team of paleontologists, geoscientists and evolutionary specialists affiliated with multiple institutions in China has found that a fossilized egg unearthed in 2021 is the smallest dinosaur egg ever found. In their paper ...

17 hours ago in Biology
Medical Xpress / Human study provides evidence that theta phase precession supports memory formation and retrieval

Past neuroscience research has pinpointed many of the neural processes through which the human brain forms, stores and retrieves important information, such as domain-specific knowledge and memories. One dimension of human ...

16 hours ago in Neuroscience
Tech Xplore / Short duration voltage application to silicon anodes shows potential for restoring Li-Si battery capacity

A team of engineers, chemists and materials scientists at Stanford University, has found that applying short duration voltage to some types of anodes in Li–Si batteries, can restore some of their capacity. In their paper ...

15 hours ago in Energy & Green Tech / Archaeologist reveals factors affecting ocher application in ancient burials at Khok Phanom Di

A study by Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Paris published in the International Journal of Osteoarcheology has investigated the link between ocher burials and chronology, age, sex mobility and funerary tradition at the site of Khok Phanom ...

16 hours ago in Other Sciences / Astronomers explore the properties of an obscured hyperluminous quasar

Astronomers from the European University Cyprus and the University of Hawaii have investigated a recently discovered obscured hyperluminous quasar known as COS-87259. Results of the study, published October 14 in the Monthly ...

18 hours ago in Astronomy & Space
Medical Xpress / $3.2 million per dose Elevidys fails to meet primary endpoint in phase 3 trial

A Phase 3 clinical trial investigating Elevidys (delandistrogene moxeparvovec), a gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, did not achieve its primary endpoint, according to findings published in Nature Medicine. A News ...

17 hours ago in Medical research
Tech Xplore / Heterojunction back contact solar cell reaches 27.09% efficiency in tests

A team of engineers at China's LONGi Central R&D Institute, working with colleagues from Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen University, reports that its heterojunction back contact (HBC) solar cell has achieved efficiencies as ...

17 hours ago in Energy & Green Tech / Betelgeuse Betelgeuse? Bright star Betelgeuse likely has a 'Betelbuddy' stellar companion

One of the brightest stars in the night sky, Betelgeuse, may not be on the brink of exploding as a supernova, according to a new study of the star's brightening and dimming. Instead, recent research shows that the observed ...

12 hours ago in Astronomy & Space
Medical Xpress / How vitamin D deficiency can lead to autoimmune diseases

As Canadians brace for "vitamin D winter"—months when the sun's angle is too low to produce the vitamin in the skin—a McGill University study explains why vitamin D deficiency early in life is associated with a higher ...

12 hours ago in Health