All News / Researcher discovers 1 in 5 bacteria can break down plastic

Leiden Ph.D. candidate Jo-Anne Verschoor discovered that nearly 20% of the bacterial strains she studied could degrade plastic, though they needed some encouragement to do so. "Bacteria are just like people," says Verschoor. ...

Jun 28, 2024 in Biology / Analysis of NASA InSight data suggests Mars hit by meteoroids more often than thought

NASA's Mars InSight Lander may be resting on the Red Planet in retirement, but data from the robotic explorer is still leading to seismic discoveries on Earth.

Jun 28, 2024 in Astronomy & Space
Tech Xplore / Is an electric bike right for you? Here's what to consider before you buy

More Australians than ever are riding electric bikes—a fact you may have noticed on the streets of our cities and towns.

Jul 3, 2024 in Consumer & Gadgets / Average months now feel cold thanks to climate change

People in the UK love discussing the weather. For the first two weeks of June 2024, the cold, dull conditions were all they could talk about. Major news outlets like the BBC, The Guardian, Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph all ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Earth / Astronomers discover two new Milky Way satellite galaxy candidates

For years, astronomers have worried about how to explain why the Milky Way has fewer satellite galaxies than the standard dark matter model predicts. This is called the "missing satellites problem."

Jun 28, 2024 in Astronomy & Space / New computational microscopy technique provides more direct route to crisp images

For hundreds of years, the clarity and magnification of microscopes were ultimately limited by the physical properties of their optical lenses. Microscope makers pushed those boundaries by making increasingly complicated ...

Jun 28, 2024 in Physics / Engineered biocatalyst for making 'drop-in' biofuels

Researchers at the Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (IPC), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), have developed an enzymatic platform that can efficiently transform naturally abundant and inexpensive fatty acids ...

Jun 28, 2024 in Chemistry / Dealing with a taboo: Do hunting and fishing bring us closer to nature?

Buying fish, sausage or meat saves you from breaking a social taboo in some industrialized nations, especially when hunting and fishing are conducted for recreation. In a perspective article in Nature Sustainability, a research ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Biology
Medical Xpress / New study on children and food: Fruit chunks in yogurt are a turn off for one age group in particular

If you feel like your six-year-old has suddenly gotten extra fussy about the texture of their dinner, don't worry. It will pass. A new study from the University of Copenhagen's Department of Food Science demonstrates that ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Pediatrics / How (apparently) identical animals can be completely different species

Logically speaking, you would think that animals who appeared to be the same—even if they were found in different parts of the world—would belong to the same species, and that they would share the same genome. However, ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Biology
Tech Xplore / Bay Area tech layoff totals jump to worst pace in more than a year

Bay Area tech layoffs jumped during the last three months and soared to their highest quarterly totals in over a year, an ominous sign the crucial sector's wrenching cutbacks have yet to run their course.

Jul 4, 2024 in Business / New class of Mars quakes reveals daily meteorite strikes

An international team of researchers, co-led by ETH Zurich and Imperial College London, has derived the first estimate of global meteorite impacts on Mars using seismic data. Their findings indicate that between 280 to 360 ...

Jun 28, 2024 in Astronomy & Space