All News / Ahead of Ariane 6 launch, what are the other big rockets?

Europe's new Ariane 6 rocket is due to blast off for the first time next week, but it will launch into a quickly changing market for heavy space launchers increasingly dominated by SpaceX.

Jul 2, 2024 in Astronomy & Space
Medical Xpress / Decision to offer sedation for often-painful IUD insertion is 'groundbreaking,' health experts say

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a highly effective and long-lasting form of birth control placed in the uterus. Research shows that many people who get IUDs experience moderate to intense pain during the insertion. But it ...

Jun 30, 2024 in Obstetrics & gynaecology
Medical Xpress / Safer, swifter, smaller scar: New brain surgery approach targets difficult tumors at skull base

Tumors arising in the base of the skull are among the most difficult to remove in neurosurgery. The current treatment method is to perform surgical removal by what is known as the microscopic anterior transpetrosal approach ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Oncology & Cancer
Medical Xpress / Study reveals new factor associated with the risk of severe COVID-19 in people with obesity

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of Brazilian researchers showed why SARS-CoV-2 infection tends to be more severe in diabetic patients. Now, the same team based at the Institute of Biology of the State University ... / Why boredom can be great for kids

"I'm bored!" It's a phrase parents and caregivers work tirelessly to avoid hearing, but it may be the gateway to unleashing a child's creativity, social development and even life skills.

Jul 2, 2024 in Other Sciences / NASA Stennis achieves primary success for historic in-space mission

NASA's Stennis Space Center and partner Sidus Space Inc. announced primary mission success July 2 for the center's historic in-space mission—an autonomous systems payload aboard an orbiting satellite.

Jul 2, 2024 in Astronomy & Space / Quantum sensors: How does the flow profile affect flow measurements?

Researchers at Fraunhofer IPM have developed a contactless flow measurement method based on magnetic fields. For the first time, they have been able to show the quantitative impact of the flow profile on the magnetic signal. ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Physics
Medical Xpress / Dual-channel fluorescence imaging for precise and safe pulmonary segmentectomy

The research team of Prof. Hyun Koo Kim of the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Korea University's Guro Hospital, has developed "precise and safe pulmonary segmentectomy enabled by visualizing cancer margins ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Surgery / What's next for the Event Horizon Telescope? Twelve possible new targets

Both the Milky Way and a galaxy known as M87 have supermassive black holes at their core. These are the two largest black holes we know about and the Event Horizon Telescope has just captured stunning images of their event ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Astronomy & Space
Tech Xplore / When it comes to power, solar is about to leave nuclear and everything else in the shade

Opposition leader Peter Dutton might have been hoping for an endorsement from economists for his plan to take Australian nuclear.

Jul 2, 2024 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Brazil data regulator bans Meta from mining data to train AI models

Brazil's national data protection authority determined on Tuesday that Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, cannot use data originating in the country to train its artificial intelligence.

Jul 2, 2024 in Business / The importance of self delivery in online retail

Researchers from Sichuan University, Tsinghua University, and University of California Davis published a new Journal of Marketing study that examines when and how a company's own delivery services affect customers' behaviors ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Other Sciences