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Medical Xpress / FDA approves new drug to treat Alzheimer's disease

A new drug to treat Alzheimer's disease was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday.

Jul 2, 2024 in Medications / From waste to value: The right electrolytes can enhance glycerol oxidation

In 2023, around 16 billion liters of biodiesel and HVO diesel were produced in the European Union, based on maize, rapeseed, or partially on waste materials from agricultural production. A by-product of biodiesel production ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Chemistry
Medical Xpress / A potential game-changer for emergency medicine: Synthetic platelets

Imagine being a paramedic treating a trauma patient who's bleeding severely. You know your patient's life is in danger, but there's not much you can do because the patient needs an infusion of blood containing platelets. ... / Prosocial influencers can promote societal cooperation

A modeling study suggests that influential neighbors can be as effective as despotic leaders at promoting social cooperation. Prosocial behaviors can be difficult to sustain in large societies over the long term, as people ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Other Sciences / Researchers investigate how climate change affects birds

Research staff from the Gandia Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of the Universitat de València have assessed the effects of climate ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Biology
Medical Xpress / Study reveals strong links between the quality of a person's diet and cognitive ability over the course of life

Eating a high-quality diet in youth and middle age could help keep your brain functioning well in your senior years, according to new preliminary findings from a study that used data collected from over 3,000 people followed ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Neuroscience
Medical Xpress / Public fails to appreciate risk of consuming raw milk, survey finds

Consuming raw milk or products made with it is riskier than drinking pasteurized milk. Yet fewer than half of U.S. adults know that drinking raw milk is less safe than drinking pasteurized milk and many Americans do not understand ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Health
Medical Xpress / Eating more soy foods could improve thinking and attention in kids

A new study has found that school-aged children who consumed more isoflavones from soy foods exhibited better thinking abilities and attention. These findings pave the way for future research aimed at unraveling how soy foods ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Health
Medical Xpress / Study compares weight gain across eight common antidepressants

New evidence comparing weight gain under eight different first-line antidepressants finds that bupropion users are 15–20% less likely to gain a clinically significant amount of weight than users of sertraline, the most ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Medications
Medical Xpress / Use of 'benzo' sedatives like Valium, Xanax won't raise dementia risk: Study

Benzodiazepines do not appear to increase dementia risk, but could have subtle long-term effects on brain structure, a new study reports.

Jul 2, 2024 in Medications
Medical Xpress / Study relates use of antipsychotics in dementia with socioeconomic status

A study lead by the Economic Evaluation of Chronic Diseases group of Biogipuzkoa Health Research Institute has revealed the relationship between the use of antipsychotics in dementia and socioeconomic status. This work have ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Medications
Medical Xpress / Medical boards often lenient on doctors overprescribing opioids, research finds

Researchers looked at over 100 cases of misconduct involving the overprescription of opioid drugs in an anonymized US state. The study investigated professional bodies composed predominantly of doctors tasked with assessing ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Medications