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Medical Xpress / Four essential food safety tips for summertime gatherings

Summer is a season of outdoor gatherings, barbecues and picnics, where food is often at the center of the festivities. However, the warm weather also creates ideal conditions for the growth of harmful bacteria, increasing ...

Jul 5, 2024 in Health
Tech Xplore / Researchers' robotic system aims to improve autonomy for people with mobility issues

As an undergraduate engineering student in Delhi, India, Amisha Bhaskar took a field trip to a facility for disabled war veterans and met a man who had lost both hands. When she asked him what technologies could improve his ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Robotics
Medical Xpress / Colorado dairy worker tests positive for bird flu, fourth person linked to outbreak

A fourth farm worker has been infected with bird flu in the growing outbreak linked to dairy cows, health officials reported Wednesday. / Studying the mystery of Uranus's curiously weak radiation belts

When the Voyager 2 spacecraft visited Uranus almost 50 years ago, it discovered a magnetic mystery. Unlike on most planets, the ice giant's magnetic field is tilted roughly 60° away from its spin axis, creating an asymmetric ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Astronomy & Space
Medical Xpress / 'Two sleeps' and devotional practices: A look at how people slept in the 17th century

While sleep is a universal human experience, the way we do so has varied greatly across cultures, social classes and even time periods.

Jul 3, 2024 in Sleep disorders
Medical Xpress / Cultural adaptation of behavioral interventions in health promises more effective results for the population

Behavioral interventions are strategies designed to help people change their behaviors in a way that is positive for themselves and the community. These behaviors can relate to various topics, such as health, citizenship, ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Psychology & Psychiatry
Medical Xpress / Taking too many medications can pose health risks. Here's how to avoid them

When we see an older family member handling a bulky box of medications sorted by day of the week, we might stop and wonder, is it too much? How do all those pills interact?

Jul 3, 2024 in Medications
Medical Xpress / New surgical method shows promising results for cervical cancer treatment

A recently published study has compared a new surgical method with the current standard treatment for primary management of cervical cancer. The paper is published in the journal eClinicalMedicine.

Jul 2, 2024 in Oncology & Cancer
Medical Xpress / Study finds online doctors do not prescribe more antibiotics than other providers

Doctors in virtual online health care contacts are no more likely to prescribe antibiotics for infections than doctors in regular health centers, quite the opposite. This is shown by a new study of doctor's visits in Sörmland ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Medical research
Medical Xpress / Study shows new method rivals polysomnography in sleep staging

University of Houston, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering Bhavin R. Sheth and former student Adam Jones, have introduced a groundbreaking approach to sleep stage classification that could replace the ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Medical research
Medical Xpress / Untreated water tied to salmonella outbreak in cucumbers that sickened 450 people in US

Untreated water used by a Florida cucumber grower is one likely source of salmonella food poisoning that sickened nearly 450 people across the U.S. this spring, federal health officials said Tuesday.

Jul 3, 2024 in Health / Honey bees vote to decide on nest sites—why we should listen

When people think of honey bees, they often think of classic wooden hives, in which beekeepers are having to breed more and more bees just to keep managed populations stable. These man-made boxes, designed to facilitate pollination ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology