news / Tannic acid-coated magnetic beads could facilitate early cancer diagnosis

Researchers have synthesized tannic acid-coated magnetic beads capable of extracting membrane vesicles called "exosomes" from biological fluids with 60% efficiency. This novel method will make it easier and faster to isolate ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Chemistry / Locusts adapt sense of smell to detect food in swarms, study shows

Locusts adapt their sense of smell to better detect sparse food sources in crowded swarms of up to billion animals, as researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behavior at the University of Konstanz discovered. ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology / Detecting lung cancer early with sugar-sensing nanotech

For such a common disease, lung cancer can be hard to spot. In the early stages you probably won't even know you've got a problem. But by the time you investigate that persistent cough, your livelihood may already hinge on ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Nanotechnology / Study finds timing of rainfall crucial for flood prediction

With record rainfall projected to continue into the future, many worry extreme flooding will follow suit. But a new CIRES-led study published today in Science of the Total Environment found an increase in precipitation alone ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Earth / Quail imaging offers insights into congenital birth defects

Researchers at The University of Queensland have for the first time captured images and video in real time of early embryonic development to understand more about congenital birth defects.

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology / Deep dive into past climates paints grim outlook for fish species

Climatic stability over millions of years has allowed ancient and isolated freshwater fishes to flourish in areas such as the 356,000 square kilometers from Shark Bay to Esperance in southwest Western Australia.

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology / ATP's role in biomanufacturing: Fluctuating cellular energy drives microbial bioproduction

In the work of biomanufacturing, tanks of microbes are fine-tuned to produce compounds that can be used as carbon-neutral fuels, chemicals, materials and medicines, but researchers are still learning the basics of how to ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology / Study advances understanding of two-state reactivity mechanism in iron-based catalysts

Iron-based catalysts are essential in various fields, including medicine, energy, and environmental science. They facilitate reactions that are vital for producing pharmaceuticals, clean fuels, and breaking down pollutants.

Jul 1, 2024 in Chemistry / Scientists sequence entire genome of Australian bilby

Under pressure from predatory foxes and cats and competing with feral rabbits, the Greater bilby has lost more than 80% of its habitat. Conservation work led by Professor Carolyn Hogg is designed to help save the bilby from ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology / Scientists show ribosomes play an unexpected role in blood vessel formation

Angiogenin, an enzyme that plays a critical role in cellular stress responses and aids vascular formation, has previously been implicated in the formation of solid cancer tumors, neurodegenerative disorders and epigenetic ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology / Scientists show that Urm1 protects proteins in stress situations

To prevent proteins from being damaged during cellular stress, they are concentrated in so-called stress granules. Scientists from the department of Cellular Biochemistry at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry have now ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology / New workflow reveals composition and function of metabolic enzyme polymers

A recent paper by the Pilhofer Lab (IMBB) and the Matos Lab (formerly IBC, now Max Perutz Labs in Vienna), published in the journal Cell, unveils a multiscale filament identification workflow to characterize protein filaments ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology