news / Researchers address ocean paradox with 55 gallons of fluorescent dye

For the first time, researchers from UC San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography led an international team that directly measured cold, deep water upwelling via turbulent mixing along the slope of a submarine canyon ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Earth / Taking a closer look at the role Krause corpuscles play in sexual behavior in mice

A team of neurobiologists at Howard Hughes Medical Institute has taken a closer look at Krause corpuscles and learned more about their role in the sexual behavior of mice. In their study, published in the journal Nature, ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Biology / Time-compression in electron microscopy: Terahertz light controls and characterizes electrons in space and time

Scientists at the University of Konstanz in Germany have advanced ultrafast electron microscopy to unprecedented time resolution. Reporting in Science Advances, the research team presents a method for the all-optical control, ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Physics / Researchers find genetic stability in a long-term Panamanian hybrid zone of manakins

We often think of species as separate and distinct, but sometimes they can interbreed and create hybrids. When this happens consistently in a specific area, it forms what's known as a hybrid zone. These zones can be highly ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Biology / Scientists discover next-generation system for programmable genome design

In a leap forward for genetic engineering, a team of researchers from the Arc Institute has discovered the bridge recombinase mechanism, a precise and powerful tool to recombine and rearrange DNA in a programmable way.

Jun 26, 2024 in Biology / Sharing false political information on social media may be associated with positive schizotypy, research suggests

Sharing false political information on social media by users may be associated with aspects of personality such as positive schizotypy, a set of traits including paranoia, suspicion and disrupted thinking patterns. It may ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Other Sciences / Researchers capture detailed picture of electron acceleration in one shot

Adjusting experimental methods achieved the first "single-shot" diagnosis of electron acceleration through a laser wakefield accelerator along a curved trajectory, according to a recent study led by University of Michigan ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Physics / Rewriting the armadillo family tree: A new species, plus a name change for the state mammal of Texas

While their scaly armor and long claws look vaguely reptilian, armadillos belong to the same group of mammals as sloths and anteaters. There are nearly two dozen species of armadillos, from six-inch long "pink fairies" to ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Biology / The plants bees need to maintain a healthy diet have been revealed

As critical pollinators, bees keep our agricultural systems going—but human-caused changes to the planet heavily impact their foraging options. To help protect our food security, we need more information about bees' own ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Biology / New calculation approach allows more accurate predictions of how atoms ionize when impacted by high-energy electrons

During electron-impact ionization (EII), high-energy electrons collide with atoms, knocking away one or more of their outer electrons. To calculate the probability that ionization will occur during these impacts, researchers ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Physics / Engineers produce the world's first practical Titanium-sapphire laser on a chip

As lasers go, those made of Titanium-sapphire (Ti:sapphire) are considered to have "unmatched" performance. They are indispensable in many fields, including cutting-edge quantum optics, spectroscopy, and neuroscience. But ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Physics / Microrobot-packed pill shows promise for treating inflammatory bowel disease in mice

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a pill that releases microscopic robots, or microrobots, into the colon to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The experimental treatment, given orally, ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Nanotechnology