news / Researchers achieve practical 3D tracking at record-breaking speeds

Researchers have developed a new 3D method that can be used to track fast-moving objects at unprecedented high speeds. The real-time tracking approach, which is based on single-pixel imaging, could be used to improve autonomous ...

Jun 21, 2024 in Physics / Team uses 3D aerosol nanoprinting to enhance metamaterial performance

A research team has developed a metamaterial capable of detecting the polarization and direction of light through 3D aerosol nanoprinting. Their study was featured in ACS Nano.

Jun 21, 2024 in Nanotechnology / Unifying behavioral analysis through animal foundation models

Although there is the saying, "straight from the horse's mouth," it's impossible to get a horse to tell you if it's in pain or experiencing joy. Yet, its body will express the answer in its movements. To a trained eye, pain ...

Jun 21, 2024 in Biology / Novel synthesis of fluorinated molecules with potential in drug research

Carboxylic acids are one of the most important substance classes in chemistry and are a component of many drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. To tailor the properties of carboxylic acids, fluorine atoms can be introduced ...

Jun 21, 2024 in Chemistry / Inspired by nature: Synthetic nightshade molecule effective against leukemia cells

Nightshade plants produce a diverse array of compounds with therapeutic potential. Researchers at CeMM have now identified an artificial variant inspired by the Withanolides group that acts highly specifically against leukemia ...

Jun 21, 2024 in Biology / Biophysicists decipher functionality of adrenaline-binding receptor

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are found throughout the human body and are involved in many complex signaling pathways. Despite their importance in many biological processes, the central mechanism of G protein-coupling ...

Jun 21, 2024 in Biology / Reframing voting as 'duty to others' could be key to increasing engagement, turnout

Americans have a right to vote, and many view that right as a duty. But is that duty to ourselves—to ensure our individual voice is heard and our interests represented? Or is that duty to others—a duty to our families, ...

Jun 21, 2024 in Other Sciences / Study shows rising temperatures affect air quality over Los Angeles

Particulate matter and ozone are a major problem for people and the environment. Dr. Eva Pfannerstill, young investigator group leader at Jülich's Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK 8), is investigating where ...

Jun 21, 2024 in Earth / Researchers decode molecular mechanism in plant cellular recycling

Unlike many animals, plants cannot simply move elsewhere when they encounter hostile conditions. Thus, they are even more dependent on having ways to effectively counteract the negative consequences of harmful environmental ...

Jun 21, 2024 in Biology / High-temperature superconductivity: Exploring quadratic electron-phonon coupling

A new study published in Physical Review Letters (PRL) explores the potential of quadratic electron-phonon coupling to enhance superconductivity through the formation of quantum bipolarons.

Jun 20, 2024 in Physics / Galaxy NGC 4696 hosts a complex globular cluster system, observations find

Using the Magellan Telescopes in Chile, astronomers have performed photometric observations of a giant elliptical galaxy known as NGC 4696. The observations reveal that the galaxy has a complex globular cluster system. The ...

Jun 20, 2024 in Astronomy & Space / Groundbreaking discovery: How researchers found remnants of Earth's primordial crust near Perth

Our planet was born around 4.5 billion years ago. To understand this mind-bendingly long history, we need to study rocks and the minerals they are made of.

Jun 20, 2024 in Earth