news / Electric fields boost graphene's potential, study shows

Researchers at the National Graphene Institute have made a discovery that could revolutionize energy harnessing and information computing. Their study, published in Nature, reveals how electric field effects can selectively ...

Jun 19, 2024 in Nanotechnology / Shepherd's graffiti sheds new light on Acropolis lost temple mystery

The Acropolis of Athens, the rocky hill in the Greek capital that is home to the iconic Parthenon temple, is one of the world's most visited and well-known archaeological sites—but new insights about it are still emerging.

Jun 19, 2024 in Other Sciences / Researchers fabricate eco-friendly pesticide delivery system

A research team led by Prof. Wu Zhengyan and Zhang Jia from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed a new environmentally friendly way to deliver pesticides using porous microspheres ...

Jun 19, 2024 in Nanotechnology / Ohio train derailment caused chemical pollution falling to Earth's surface across the US and beyond, study reveals

A new study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters reveals that the environmental impact of the February 3, 2023, Norfolk Southern train accident in East Palestine, Ohio covered a very large geographical ...

Jun 19, 2024 in Earth / Old drugs new tricks—novel approach shows 'enormous potential' for rapid antibiotic discovery

An innovative project to re-purpose existing drugs for their potential as antibiotics has uncovered a highly promising candidate with a potent and unique way of killing drug resistant bacteria.

Jun 19, 2024 in Chemistry / Ultrasound beam triggers 'nanodroplets' to deliver drugs at exactly the right spot

Conventional drug delivery is often like cracking a nut with a sledgehammer. Whether the drug is swallowed, injected, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin, it ultimately diffuses to most parts of the body, including those ...

Jun 19, 2024 in Nanotechnology / Non-native plants and animals expanding ranges 100-times faster than native species, finds new research

An international team of scientists has recently found that non-native species are expanding their ranges many orders of magnitude faster than native ones, in large part due to inadvertent human help. Even seemingly sedentary ...

Jun 19, 2024 in Biology / Improving crops with laser beams and 3D printing

A demonstration of how new technologies can be used in 21st century crop breeding comes from just published research that combines laser scanning and 3D printing to create a detailed 3D model of a sugar beet plant.

Jun 19, 2024 in Biology / Earth's atmosphere is our best defense against nearby supernovae, study suggests

Earth's protective atmosphere has sheltered life for billions of years, creating a haven where evolution produced complex lifeforms like us. The ozone layer plays a critical role in shielding the biosphere from deadly UV ...

Jun 19, 2024 in Astronomy & Space / How glacier algae are challenging the way we think about evolution

People often underestimate tiny beings. But microscopic algal cells not only evolved to thrive in one of the most extreme habitats on Earth—glaciers—but are also shaping them.

Jun 19, 2024 in Biology / Researchers develop platform to probe, control qubits in silicon for quantum networks

The quantum internet would be a lot easier to build if we could use existing telecommunications technologies and infrastructure. Over the past few years, researchers have discovered defects in silicon—a ubiquitous semiconductor ...

Jun 19, 2024 in Physics / Researchers investigate the impacts of space travel on astronauts' eye health

As space travel becomes more common, it is important to consider the impacts of space flight and altered gravity on the human body. Led by Dr. Ana Diaz Artiles, researchers at Texas A&M University are studying some of those ...

Jun 19, 2024 in Astronomy & Space