Weekly recaps

Recap / Best of Last Week—Milky Way black hole imaged, using AI to stop traffic jams, a bacteriophage to treat infection

It was a good week for space science as a team with the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration made headlines around the world by revealing the first image of Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the heart of our galaxy. The ...

Week 20 2022 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week—Groundwater system in Antarctica, drones flying through forests, vegetarian diets and children

It was a good week for Earth science as a team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in the U.S. discovered a giant groundwater system in sediments below a section of Antarctic ice. Mapping it, they suggest, ...

Week 19 2022 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week—Blueprint for life in asteroids, converting seawater to drinking water, factors that lead to cancer

It was a good week for the biological sciences as a team of researchers from several institutions in Australia and one in France showed that honeybees, along with humans, are the only known animals that can tell the difference ...

Week 18 2022 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week—Why Venus spins so slowly, new kind of 3D printing, just 25% feel recovered from COVID after a year

It was a good week for space science as University of California planetary scientist Stephen Kane, found that Venus's atmosphere explains why the planet rotates so slowly. Without it, he notes, the planet would likely have ...

Week 17 2022 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week—SpacePerspective cabin design, making web surfing faster, new way to treat metabolic disorders

It was a good week for space science as a team with members from the U.S. and Taipa, Macau, discovered a 4-billion-year-old relic from the early solar system heading our way, although the comet, with a diameter of 130 meters, ...

Week 16 2022 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week—The farthest galaxy ever observed, using hydrogen to make steel, a new COVID-19 vaccine

It was a good week for space science as an international team of researchers detected a galactic space laser. The powerful radio wave, known more technically as a "megamaser," was spotted using the MeerKAT telescope in South ...

Week 15 2022 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Constraining dark matter, mysterious giant stone jars, impact of salt intake on body

It was a good week for space science as a team at India's Tata Institute of Fundamental Research's International Centre for Theoretical Studies set constraints on compact dark matter from gravitational wave microlensing, ...

Week 14 2022 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – The speed of sound on Mars, microplastics found in blood, artificial sweeteners not safe

It was a good week for space science as an international team of astronomers revealed the best image yet of a mysterious radio circle in space. Theories about the nature of these objects range from the throats of wormholes ...

Week 13 2022 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Milky Way massive bubbles, cleaning solar panels, mild side effects of COVID vaccines

It was a good week for space science as a collaborative at the University of Michigan and the University of Wisconsin found evidence of massive bubbles at the center of the Milky Way caused by a supermassive black hole. Also, ...

Week 11 2022 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Kilonova afterglow, mapping "The Witcher," moderate alcohol consumption damages brain

It was a good week for space science as a team of astronomers at Northwestern University may have detected the afterglow from a kilonova, a merger of two neutron stars, setting off a blast 1,000 times brighter than a classical ...

Week 10 2022 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Black holes dancing, a magnetic phase of matter, veggies do not prevent cardiovascular disease

It was a good week for space science, as an international team found two colossal black holes locked in dance at the heart of a galaxy. Initial data suggests they orbit around each other every two years. Also, another international ...

Week 09 2022 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Galaxies without dark matter, speed heightens risk of psychosis, brain slowdown at 60

It was a good week for space science as astronomer Bill Gray, creator of The Guide, an astrometry software package, announced that he had been wrong in claiming that a rocket on course to crash into the moon was made by SpaceX. ...

Week 08 2022 in Other Sciences