Weekly recaps

Recap / Best of Last Week: Close-up of Ganymede, manipulated Twitter trends, protection for COVID-19 patients

It was a good week for space science, as the team running NASA's Juno space probe announced it would soon get a close look at Jupiter's moon Ganymede—the group is hoping to learn more about the moon's ionosphere, composition, ...

Week 23 2021 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Solar storms coming, mercury in glacial meltwater, and a food supplement reduces anxiety

It was a good week for space news as a team working with the Mars rover Curiosity released photos of shining clouds on the Red Planet—the team noticed them starting to form a year ago and prepared the rover to capture them ...

Week 22 2021 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Bizarre vole genetics, Skyborg flies, and insulin resistance

It was a good week for biological research, as a team affiliated with multiple institutions around the U.S. solved a bizarre rodent genetics mystery and revealed another—they found that the X and Y chromosomes of the creeping ...

Week 21 2021 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week–Extraterrestrial radioactive isotope, Wi-Fi devices vulnerable to FragAttacks and COVID-19 vaccine

It was a good week for space science as an international team of researchers found the first-ever example of an extraterrestrial radioactive isotope on Earth—found in ocean crust, the find has implications for Earth's origins. ...

Week 20 2021 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: 3D printing wood, keyhole mining and why COVID-19 patients test positive months later

It was a good week for human evolutionary and biological sciences as a team of researchers from the U.S. and Spain suggested that most human origin stories are not compatible with known fossils—they also note that there ...

Week 19 2021 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Sea levels rising faster, a robot guide dog and inexpensive COVID-19 vaccine

It was a good week for earth science as a team of researchers at Harvard University found evidence suggesting that Antarctic ice sheet melting is likely to lift sea levels higher than previously thought—a new calculation ...

Week 18 2021 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Smallest black hole, Albert Einstein's AI voice, killing bedbugs with essential oils

It was a good week for space research as a team led by a group at The Ohio State University, discovered one of the smallest black holes on record and it was also the closest one to Earth found to date—they have named it ...

Week 17 2021 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: The three-body problem, a way to block Google tracking and a drug to treat obesity

It was a good week for physics, as a team at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Racah Institute of Physics developed a novel theory to addresses a centuries-old physics problem—the "three body problem." Also, a team at ...

Week 16 2021 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Muons defy theory, a faster way to train AI, and faster muscle repair

It was a good week for physics, as two teams of researchers working independently reported "tantalizing" results with experiments that defied physics rulebooks—one at Fermilab, in the U.S., the other at the Large Hadron ...

Week 15 2021 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – X-rays from Uranus, AI that predicts drug properties and cholesterol protein found

It was another good week for space science as an international team of researchers studying data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory discovered X-rays from Uranus for the first time. Also, a team working with the NASA/ESA ...

Week 14 2021 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: L.A.'s biggest quake threat, more advanced smart clothes and the dangers of eating out

It was a good week for Earth science as a team with members from several institutions on the U.S. West Coast found evidence that suggested L.A.'s biggest quake threat is an overlooked part of the San Andreas Fault—and it ...

Week 13 2021 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Audio from Mars, origin of 'Oumuamua and COVID supercarriers

It was another good week for space science as the team of researchers working with NASA's Perseverance rover released audio recordings of the vehicle driving on Mars—the loud clangs and bangs are the sounds of the rover's ...

Week 12 2021 in Other Sciences