Weekly recaps

Recap / Best of Last Week – Ample samples collected from asteroid, SARS-CoV-2 enters brain and a migraine breakthrough

It was a good week for space science as a team at Japan's Aerospace Exploration Agency announced that they had found ample soil and gas samples collected from the asteroid Ryugu—a capsule dropped from the Hayabusa2 spacecraft ...

Week 52 2020 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Patterns in mass extinctions, cause of ice ages, blood vessel damage in children from COVID-19

It was a good week for Earth science as a trio of researchers from Japan, the U.K. and Sweden ran artificial intelligence applications that found surprising patterns in Earth's biological mass extinctions—Jennifer Hoyal ...

Week 51 2020 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Largest drone unveiled, drug stops SARS-CoV-2 transmission and impact of social distancing on brain

It was a good week for historical research as a team at Germany's state archaeology museum reported on the finding by World Wildlife Fund divers of a Nazi Enigma code machine on the seabed in the Baltic Sea. Also, a team ...

Week 50 2020 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: New kind of physics, cheap N95 respirators, and controlling pain

It was another good week for space science as amateur astronomer Alberto Caballero found possible evidence for a source of the famous "Wow!" signal—a sun-like star in the region of space where the signal originated that ...

Week 49 2020 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Jupiter and Saturn to form double planet, hacking robot vacuums and a COVID-19 nasal spray

It was a good week for space news as a team of researchers at Rice University reported that this December, Jupiter and Saturn will look like a double planet for the first time since the Middle Ages—they claim it will appear ...

Week 48 2020 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Music without headphones, a holographic video display and using melatonin to treat COVID-19

It was another good week for space research, as a team at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory found evidence in molybdenum isotopes showing that the solar system formed in less than 200,000 years approximately 4.5 billion ...

Week 47 2020 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Gravity sans string theory, early female big game hunters and COVID-19 antibodies different for kids

It was a good week for physics as an international team of physicists found a way to explain gravity without involving string theory, showing that it is possible to connect general relativity and quantum mechanics using other ...

Week 46 2020 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Activity found on a Centaur, raptor inspired drone and strong antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 virus

It was a good week for space research as a team at Northern Arizona University discovered activity on a distant planetary object: they found differences in images taken of Centaur 2014 OG392 at different times. Also, an international ...

Week 45 2020 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Closing in on dark matter, ultra-high-res OLED display and distancing/masks may not stop COVID-19

It was another good week for physics research as a team with members from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the University of Colorado, Stanford University and the University of Nevada used precision metrology ...

Week 44 2020 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Controlled transport of light, 'walking inside of cells,' and one COVID-19 vaccine found to be safe

It was another good week for physics as a combined team from Beihang University and Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz successfully carried out controlled transport of stored light by holding it in a cloud of cold atoms—they ...

Week 43 2020 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Speed of sound upper limit found, new solar panel design and machine washing COVID-19 masks

It was a good week for physics as a team with members from the Institute for High Pressure Physics in Troitsk, the University of Cambridge and Queen Mary University of London found the upper limit for the speed of sound. ...

Week 42 2020 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Entangling large distant objects, SARS-CoV-2 virus blocks pain and children key to pandemic

It was another good week for physics research as a team at the University of Arkansas built a circuit that generated clean, limitless power from graphene. It worked by capturing graphene's thermal motion and converting it ...

Week 41 2020 in Other Sciences