Tech Xplore news

Tech Xplore / Hand-held tube containing aluminum foil balls produces enough electricity to power LED array when shaken

A team of mechanical engineers from Chung-Ang University, Massachusetts General Hospital, LS Materials and Yonsei University has found that a hand-held cylinder containing crumpled aluminum foil balls is capable of producing ...

Aug 15, 2023 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / Computer science researcher creates flexible robots from soft modules

Dartmouth researchers are crafting soft robotic blocks that can work in unison to create structures able to bear weight, roll, walk, grip objects and transport loads.

Aug 15, 2023 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / AI models are powerful, but are they biologically plausible?

Artificial neural networks, ubiquitous machine-learning models that can be trained to complete many tasks, are so called because their architecture is inspired by the way biological neurons process information in the human ...

Aug 15, 2023 in Machine learning & AI
Tech Xplore / A new bio-inspired solar leaf design with increased harvesting efficiency

New research suggests a new solar energy design, inspired by nature, may pave the way for future renewable energy technologies.

Aug 15, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Invisible tagging system enhances 3D object tracking

Stop me if you've seen this before: a black and white pixelated square in lieu of a physical menu at a restaurant.

Aug 15, 2023 in Engineering
Dialog / How the material of the battery electrode affects its performance and lifespan

Batteries are devices that store and release energy by moving charged particles called ions between two materials called electrodes. The electrodes are separated by a liquid or gel called an electrolyte, which contains ions ...

Aug 15, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Despite fails, ChatGPT wins showdown against Stack Overflow

In the early 2000s, computer hobbyists could walk into any of nearly 700 Barnes and Noble bookstores and find aisle after aisle filled with manuals on programming, coding, design, the internet and virtually any other topic ...

Aug 14, 2023 in Consumer & Gadgets
Tech Xplore / Training robotic arms with a hands-off approach

Humans often take their fine motor abilities for granted. Recreating the mechanical precision of the human body is no easy task—one that graduate students in CMU's Mechanical Engineering Department hope to simplify through ...

Aug 14, 2023 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / Using quantum computing to protect AI from attack

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) where computer models become experts in various tasks by consuming large amounts of data. This is instead of a human explicitly programming this level of expertise.

Aug 14, 2023 in Computer Sciences
Tech Xplore / New fuel cell architecture uses nanowires to deliver durability

A promising, more durable fuel cell design could help transform heavy-duty trucking and other clean fuel cell applications. Consisting of nanowires that are less susceptible to corrosion than other designs, the innovative ...

Aug 14, 2023 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / Government regulation can effectively curb social media dangers

Government legislation to flag and moderate dangerous content on social media can be effective in reducing harm, even on fast-paced platforms such as X (formerly Twitter) new research shows.

Aug 14, 2023 in Consumer & Gadgets
Tech Xplore / Self-driving cars can make traffic slower: Study

A new study finds that "connected" vehicles, which share data with each other wirelessly, significantly improve travel time through intersections—but automated vehicles can actually slow down travel time through intersections ...

Aug 14, 2023 in Automotive