Tech Xplore news

Tech Xplore / AI tests into top 1% for original creative thinking

New research from the University of Montana and its partners suggests artificial intelligence can match the top 1% of human thinkers on a standard test for creativity.

Jul 5, 2023 in Computer Sciences
Tech Xplore / Engineers develop fast, automated, affordable test for cement durability

Engineers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have developed a new test that can predict the durability of cement in seconds to minutes—rather than the hours it takes using current methods. The test measures ...

Jul 5, 2023 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / Organic electronics: Sustainability during the entire lifecycle

Organic electronics can make a decisive contribution to decarbonization and, at the same time, help to cut the consumption of rare and valuable raw materials. To do so, it is not only necessary to further develop manufacturing ...

Tech Xplore / New chef dataset brings AI to cooking

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help people shop, plan, and write—but not cook. It turns out humans aren't the only ones who have a hard time following step-by-step recipes in the correct order, but new research from the ...

Jul 5, 2023 in Consumer & Gadgets
Tech Xplore / Grooved electrodes could improve the performance of proton-exchange membrane fuel cells

Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are a promising energy solution for reducing carbon emissions in the transport sector. As suggested by their name, these cells contain a proton-conducting membrane based on polymer ...

Jul 4, 2023 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / New aluminum radical battery promises more sustainable power

Scientists in Australia and China are hoping to make the world's first safe and efficient non-toxic aqueous aluminum radical battery.

Jul 4, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Researchers move toward energy transition with hydrogen generated on rooftops

Efficient production of hydrogen, fuels, and even drinking water on roofs or in solar parks—this is what researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and their Canadian partners want to achieve with low-cost photoreactor ...

Jul 4, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Nanosheet technology developed to boost energy storage dielectric capacitors

A research group led by Professor Minoru Osada at the Institute for Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), Nagoya University in Japan, in collaboration with NIMS, has developed a nanosheet device with the highest ...

Jul 4, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Team develops a faster, cheaper way to train large language models

A Stanford team has developed Sophia, a new way to optimize the pretraining of large language models that's twice as fast as current approaches.

Jul 3, 2023 in Hi Tech & Innovation
Tech Xplore / Cutting edge transistors for semiconductors of the future

Transistors that can change properties are important elements in the development of tomorrow's semiconductors. With standard transistors approaching the limit for how small they can be, having more functions on the same number ...

Jul 3, 2023 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / After several turbulent days, flight disruptions ease despite worries about 5G signals

Airline passengers who have endured tens of thousands of weather-related flight delays this week got a welcome respite from the headaches Saturday, despite concerns about possible disruptions caused by new wireless 5G systems ...

Jul 1, 2023 in Telecom
Tech Xplore / GitHub's Copilot may lead to global $1.5 trillion GDP boost

A study of the soaring use of artificial intelligence in software creation says we are in the midst of "a sea change" in program development that will ultimately boost local global gross domestic product by $1.5 trillion ...

Jun 30, 2023 in Business