Tech Xplore news

Tech Xplore / A model that uses human prompts and sketches to generate realistic fashion images

Artificial intelligence (AI) recently started making its way into many creative industries, for instance, in the form of tools for digital artists, architects, interior designers and image editors. In these contexts, AI can ...

Apr 25, 2023 in Computer Sciences
Tech Xplore / Building a transistor out of treated wood

A team of organic chemists and engineers from Linköping University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, both in Sweden, has demonstrated that working transistors can be made from treated wood. The results have been published ...

Apr 25, 2023 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / New materials will yield stronger, faster-charging batteries

Researchers at MIT say they have created a new material that will pave the way to faster charging batteries.

Apr 25, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Researchers 3D print a miniature vacuum pump

Mass spectrometers are extremely precise chemical analyzers that have many applications, from evaluating the safety of drinking water to detecting toxins in a patient's blood. But building an inexpensive, portable mass spectrometer ...

Apr 25, 2023 in Hardware
Tech Xplore / Jellyfish-like robots could one day clean up the world's oceans

Most of the world is covered in oceans, which are unfortunately highly polluted. One of the strategies to combat the mounds of waste found in these very sensitive ecosystems—especially around coral reefs—is to employ ...

Apr 25, 2023 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / Novel additive helps improve stability of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells

Prof. Ye Jichun's team at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has developed a long-alkyl- chain anionic surfactant (LAS) additive that can significantly ...

Apr 25, 2023 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / New zinc metal batteries can be cheap, efficient, durable, safe and environmentally friendly

The world needs cheap and powerful batteries that can store sustainably produced electricity from wind or sunlight so that we can use it whenever we need it, even when it's dark outside or there's no wind blowing. Most common ...

Apr 24, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Smart fabric measures heart rate, heals itself

Our days of patching up or discarding torn clothing may soon be over.

Tech Xplore / Researchers design battery prototype with fiber-shaped cathode

In a new study, North Carolina State University researchers made a cathode in the shape of a thread-like fiber. The researchers were then able to use the fiber to create a zinc-ion battery prototype that could power a wrist ...

Apr 24, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Outstanding performance of organic solar cell using tin oxide

Organic solar cells have a photoactive layer that is made from polymers and small molecules. The cells are very thin, can be flexible, and are easy to make. However, the efficiency of these cells is still much below that ...

Apr 24, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / How a horse whisperer can help engineers build better robots

Humans and horses have enjoyed a strong working relationship for nearly 10,000 years—a partnership that transformed how food was produced, people were transported and even how wars were fought and won. Today, we look to ...

Apr 24, 2023 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / Cryo-imaging lifts the lid on fuel cell catalyst layers

Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), which are being developed for use in electric vehicles, rely on nanoparticles called catalysts to trigger electricity-producing reactions between hydrogen and oxygen. Most PEMFC ...

Apr 24, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech