Tech Xplore news

Tech Xplore / New 'AI scientist' combines theory and data to discover scientific equations

In 1918, the American chemist Irving Langmuir published a paper examining the behavior of gas molecules sticking to a solid surface. Guided by the results of careful experiments, as well as his theory that solids offer discrete ...

Apr 12, 2023 in Machine learning & AI
Tech Xplore / Amazon creates a new user-centric simulation platform to develop embodied AI agents

AI-powered robots are generally trained in simulation environments before they are tested and introduced in real-world settings. These environments allow developers to safely test their machine learning techniques on a variety ...

Apr 11, 2023 in Computer Sciences
Tech Xplore / Nuclear power causes least damage to the environment, finds systematic survey

The saying that "misfortune never comes alone" is also the title of a French short silent film from 1903. One could say the same about the climate crisis, which is closely linked to the environmental and energy crises. The ...

Apr 11, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Researchers devise new system for turning seawater into hydrogen fuel

Seawater's mix of hydrogen, oxygen, sodium and other elements makes it vital to life on Earth. But that same complex chemistry has made it difficult to extract hydrogen gas for clean energy uses.

Apr 11, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Photonic filter separates signals from noise to support future 6G wireless communication

Researchers have developed a new chip-sized microwave photonic filter to separate communication signals from noise and suppress unwanted interference across the full radio frequency spectrum. The device is expected to help ...

Tech Xplore / First electromechanical resonator to operate beyond 100 GHz

In what has the potential to significantly advance wireless communications and mechanical quantum systems, researchers at Yale have demonstrated the world's first electromechanical resonator to operate beyond 100 GHz.

Tech Xplore / It's all in the wrist: Energy-efficient robot hand learns how not to drop the ball

Researchers have designed a low-cost, energy-efficient robotic hand that can grasp a range of objects—and not drop them—using just the movement of its wrist and the feeling in its "skin."

Apr 11, 2023 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / Cities will need more resilient electricity networks to cope with extreme weather, says new study

Dense urban areas amplify the effects of higher temperatures due to the phenomenon of heat islands in cities. This makes cities more vulnerable to extreme climate events. Large investments in the electricity network will ...

Apr 11, 2023 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / Critical metal needs rise while cars, trucks decarbonize

As automobile electrification speeds up, the world faces an overwhelming need for critical metals and minerals to make atmosphere-saving electric vehicles possible.

Apr 11, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Powerful new Meta AI tool can identify individual items within images

Meta took a big leap forward this week with the unveiling of a model that can detect and isolate objects in an image even if it never saw them before. The technology is introduced and described in an article on the arXiv ...

Apr 10, 2023 in Computer Sciences
Tech Xplore / Don't bet on ChatGPT to always be rational

It's a sure bet that Chat GPT will usher in an extraordinary new era of progress. But if you want AI to tackle tasks involving gambling, all bets are off.

Apr 10, 2023 in Consumer & Gadgets
Tech Xplore / A framework to enable touch-enhanced robotic grasping using tactile sensors

To successfully cooperate with humans on manual tasks, robots should be able to grasp and manipulate a variety of objects without dropping or damaging them. Recent research efforts in the field of robotics have thus focused ...

Apr 10, 2023 in Robotics