Tech Xplore news

Tech Xplore / Cooler transformers could help electric grid

Most people do not give the U.S. electric grid a second thought—we flip a switch, and the lights come on. Behind the scenes are thousands of power plants and utilities linked by millions of miles of transmission lines. ...

Apr 16, 2024 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / Neutron scattering study points the way to more powerful lithium batteries

An international team of scientists has found a way to improve battery design that could produce safer, more powerful lithium batteries.

Apr 16, 2024 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Research team manufactures the first universal, programmable and multifunctional photonic chip

A team from the Photonics Research Laboratory (PRL)-iTEAM of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the company iPRONICS have designed and manufactured a revolutionary chip for the telecommunications sector, data centers ...

Tech Xplore / Advance in light-based computing shows capabilities for future smart cameras

Researchers developing the next generation of computing technology aim to bring some light to the field—literally. Optical computing, which relies on particles of light called photons, is expected to provide alternatives ...

Tech Xplore / Researchers develop stretchable quantum dot display

A team of South Korean scientists led by Professor KIM Dae-Hyeong of the Center for Nanoparticle Research within the Institute for Basic Science has pioneered a novel approach to stretchable displays. The team announced the ...

Tech Xplore / AI's new power of persuasion: Study shows LLMs can exploit personal information to change your mind

A new EPFL study has demonstrated the persuasive power of large language models, finding that participants debating GPT-4 with access to their personal information were far more likely to change their opinion compared to ...

Apr 15, 2024 in Machine learning & AI
Tech Xplore / Metasurface antenna could enable future 6G communications networks

A team led by researchers from the University of Glasgow has developed an innovative wireless communications antenna that combines the unique properties of metamaterials with sophisticated signal processing to deliver a new ...

Apr 12, 2024 in Telecom
Tech Xplore / Engineers recreate Star Trek's Holodeck using ChatGPT and video game assets

In "Star Trek: The Next Generation," Captain Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise leverage the Holodeck, an empty room capable of generating 3D environments, of preparing for missions and entertaining them, simulating ...

Apr 11, 2024 in Hi Tech & Innovation
Tech Xplore / Discovery brings all-solid-state sodium batteries closer to practical use

The pursuit of greener energy also requires efficient rechargeable batteries to store that energy. While lithium-ion batteries are currently the most widely used, all-solid-state sodium batteries are attracting attention ...

Apr 11, 2024 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Adding a telescopic leg beneath a quadcopter to create a hopping drone

A team of biomedical, mechanical, and aerospace engineers from City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has developed a hopping robot by attaching a spring-loaded telescopic leg to the ...

Apr 11, 2024 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / Tiny AI-trained robots demonstrate remarkable soccer skills

A team of AI specialists at Google's DeepMind has used machine learning to teach tiny robots to play soccer. They describe the process for developing the robots in Science Robotics.

Apr 11, 2024 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / New computer vision tool can count damaged buildings in crisis zones and accurately estimate bird flock sizes

A team of computer scientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst working on two different problems—how to quickly detect damaged buildings in crisis zones and how to accurately estimate the size of bird flocks—recently ...

Apr 11, 2024 in Computer Sciences