Tech Xplore news

Tech Xplore / A miniaturized vision-based tactile sensor based on fiber optic bundles

Researchers at Meta AI, Stanford University, Technische, Universität Dresden and the German Cancer Research Center (DFKZ) recently developed DIGIT Pinki, a miniature-sized sensor that can detect tactile information. This ...

Apr 9, 2024 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / Apple claims its new AI outperforms GPT-4 on some tasks by including on-screen content and background context

A team of AI researchers at Apple claims that their AI system, Reference Resolution As Language Modeling (ReALM), can outperform GPT-4 on some kinds of queries. They have published a paper on the arXiv preprint server describing ...

Apr 9, 2024 in Business
Tech Xplore / BESSY II: How pulsed charging enhances the service time of batteries

An improved charging protocol might help lithium-ion batteries to last much longer. Charging with a high-frequency pulsed current reduces aging effects, an international team demonstrated. The study was led by Philipp Adelhelm ...

Apr 9, 2024 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / New code mines microscopy images in scientific articles

Deep learning is a form of artificial intelligence transforming society by teaching computers to process information using artificial neural networks that mimic the human brain. It is now used in facial recognition, self-driving ...

Apr 9, 2024 in Software
Tech Xplore / Could new technique for 'curving' light be the secret to improved wireless communication?

While cellular networks and Wi-Fi systems are more advanced than ever, they are also quickly reaching their bandwidth limits. Scientists know that in the near future they'll need to transition to much higher communication ...

Apr 9, 2024 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / This device gathers, stores electricity in remote settings

Today wirelessly connected devices are performing an expanding array of applications, such as monitoring the condition of engines and machinery and remote sensing in agricultural settings. Systems known as the "Internet of ...

Apr 9, 2024 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / Better battery manufacturing: Robotic lab vets new reaction design strategy

New chemistries for batteries, semiconductors and more could be easier to manufacture, thanks to a new approach to making chemically complex materials that researchers at the University of Michigan and Samsung's Advanced ...

Apr 9, 2024 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / System uses artificial intelligence to detect wild animals on roads and avoid accidents

Just as drivers in Brazil can be warned of traffic congestion ahead or a vehicle parked on the hard shoulder, notifications may soon pop up on their smartphone or on their car's computer screen to warn them in real time that ...

Apr 9, 2024 in Automotive
Tech Xplore / New study reveals enhanced thermal stability in all-solid-state batteries

A study led by Professor Sung-Kyun Jung and his research team in the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering at UNIST has unveiled a more stable approach to utilizing all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs), setting a new standard ...

Apr 9, 2024 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / A fusion SLAM system that enhances the sensing and localization capabilities of biped climbing robots

Climbing robots could have many valuable real-world applications, ranging from the completion of maintenance tasks on roofs or other tall structures to the delivery of parcels or survival kits in locations that are difficult ...

Apr 8, 2024 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / This 3D printer can figure out how to print with an unknown material

While 3D printing has exploded in popularity, many of the plastic materials these printers use to create objects cannot be easily recycled. While new sustainable materials are emerging for use in 3D printing, they remain ...

Apr 8, 2024 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / The words you use matter, especially when you're engaging with ChatGPT

Do you start your ChatGPT prompts with a friendly greeting? Have you asked for the output in a certain format? Should you offer a monetary tip for its service? Researchers interact with large language models (LLMs), such ...

Apr 8, 2024 in Machine learning & AI