Tech Xplore news

Tech Xplore / Scientists use novel technique to create new energy-efficient microelectronic device

A breakthrough could help lead to the development of new low-power semiconductors or quantum devices.

Tech Xplore / Opening new doors in the VR world—literally

Room-scale virtual reality (VR) is one where users explore a VR environment by physically walking through it. The technology provides many benefits, given its highly immersive experience. Yet the drawback is that it requires ...

Mar 13, 2024 in Computer Sciences
Tech Xplore / Staying in the loop: How superconductors are helping computers 'remember'

Computers work in digits—0s and 1s, to be exact. Their calculations are digital; their processes are digital; even their memories are digital. All of which require extraordinary power resources. As we look to the next evolution ...

Mar 13, 2024 in Hardware
Tech Xplore / The realization of aqueous flow batteries with mild pH decoupling

Technologies that can store the energy produced by photovoltaics and wind turbines could play a key role in the decarbonization of the energy sector. The operation of both solar cells and wind turbines relies on suitable ...

Mar 12, 2024 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Replica theory shows deep neural networks think alike

How do you know you are looking at a dog? What are the odds you are right? If you're a machine-learning algorithm, you sift through thousands of images—and millions of probabilities—to arrive at the "true" answer, but ...

Mar 12, 2024 in Machine learning & AI
Tech Xplore / Flying high: UK's modern-day green airship takes shape

Britain's innovative Airlander 10 airship could soon take to the skies to offer leisure passengers panoramic views and far less pollution than traditional aircraft, according to its manufacturer.

Mar 12, 2024 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / New AI technology enables 3D capture and editing of real-life objects

Imagine performing a sweep around an object with your smartphone and getting a realistic, fully editable 3D model that you can view from any angle. This is fast becoming reality, thanks to advances in AI.

Mar 12, 2024 in Hi Tech & Innovation
Tech Xplore / Researchers design new analog chip architecture with high precision

While most computing in the world is still digital, the data around us is captured in analog via sensors–images through cameras, temperature, and sound, for example, and has to be converted into a digital form for precision. ...

Mar 12, 2024 in Hardware
Tech Xplore / Researchers explore quantum computing's ability to speed solutions for financial sector

Over the next decade, quantum computers are expected to have a transformative impact on numerous industry sectors, as they surpass the computational capabilities of classical computers. In finance, for example, quantum computing ...

Mar 12, 2024 in Business
Tech Xplore / Scientists achieve record efficiency for next-generation roll-to-roll printed solar cells

Scientists from Australia's national science agency, CSIRO, have led an international team to a clean energy breakthrough by setting a new efficiency record for fully roll-to-roll printed solar cells.

Mar 12, 2024 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Musk says will 'open source' Grok chatbot

Elon Musk on Monday said he would make his Grok chatbot, a rival to ChatGPT, open source as his feud with OpenAI deepens.

Mar 12, 2024 in Machine learning & AI
Tech Xplore / Towards a universal mechanism for successful deep learning

Image classification is a complex task that deep learning architectures perform successfully. Those deep architectures are usually comprised of many layers, with each layer consisting of many filters.

Mar 12, 2024 in Computer Sciences