Tech Xplore news

Tech Xplore / Data leaks can sink machine learning models

When developing machine learning models to find patterns in data, researchers across fields typically use separate data sets for model training and testing, which allows them to measure how well their trained models do with ...

Feb 28, 2024 in Machine learning & AI
Tech Xplore / Researchers design open-source AI algorithms to protect power grid from fluctuations caused by renewables and EVs

In order to prevent power grid failure in a society where electrification is supplied increasingly by variable sources like solar and wind, researchers in Sweden report the development of artificial intelligence algorithms ...

Feb 28, 2024 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Grand Theft Auto and AI help team turn dog pics into 3D models

Photographs of dogs could soon be used to help generate 3D models more accurately than ever before—thanks to an award-winning study from the University of Surrey and the famous video game Grand Theft Auto.

Feb 28, 2024 in Computer Sciences
Tech Xplore / Scientists propose anti-fatigue preparation for 3D-printed titanium alloy

A research team led by Profs. Zhang Zhefeng and Zhang Zhenjun from the Institute of Metal Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has proposed an innovative strategy to fabricate an anti-fatigue 3D-printed titanium alloy ...

Feb 28, 2024 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / Online toxicity can only be countered by humans and machines working together, say researchers

Wading through the staggering amount of social media content being produced every second to find the nastiest bits is no task for humans alone.

Feb 28, 2024 in Consumer & Gadgets
Tech Xplore / Study unlocks nanoscale secrets for designing next-generation solar cells

Perovskites, a broad class of compounds with a particular kind of crystal structure, have long been seen as a promising alternative or supplement to today's silicon or cadmium telluride solar panels. They could be far more ...

Feb 28, 2024 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / Researchers develop non-contact touch sensors for robotics

A radical new type of touch sensor for robotics and other bio-mimicking (bionic) applications is so sensitive it works even without direct contact between the sensor and the objects being detected. It senses interference ...

Feb 27, 2024 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / Wearable sticker turns hand movements into communication

Imagine wearing a thin flexible sticker that can turn your hand or finger movement into communication without you having to say a word or tap a touch screen. Researchers have developed a new type of wearable sensor that can ...

Tech Xplore / Movies of ultrafast electronic circuitry in space and time

Researchers at the University of Konstanz have successfully filmed the operations of extremely fast electronic circuitry in an electron microscope at a bandwidth of tens of terahertz. The study is published in Nature Communications.

Tech Xplore / New AI model could streamline operations in a robotic warehouse

Hundreds of robots zip back and forth across the floor of a colossal robotic warehouse, grabbing items and delivering them to human workers for packing and shipping. Such warehouses are increasingly becoming part of the supply ...

Feb 27, 2024 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / E-kerosene strategy unveiled to achieve carbon-neutral air travel

International flights can transport us to most of the world's major cities within a day or two and later bring us home—often for less than a thousand dollars per seat. This jet-setting, however, comes with a heavy carbon ...

Feb 27, 2024 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Enter the gridworld: Using geometry to detect danger in AI environments

Spacetime is a conceptual model that fuses the three dimensions of space (length, width, and breadth) with the fourth dimension of time. By doing so, a four-dimensional geometric object is created. Researchers have recently ...

Feb 27, 2024 in Computer Sciences