The IPCC Report on Climate Change - Swedish professor Thomas Sterner selected as 1 of the experts
Professor Thomas Sterner, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, is one of the experts who are currently working in Vigo, Spain, on the next Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment report on climate change. The report will be released in 2014 to inform policymakers about response strategies in the area of climate change mitigation in a policy-relevant, but not policy-prescriptive way.
Thomas Sterner is one of 281 experts from 56 different countries that have been selected from over 1000 candidates to author the Working Group III contribution to this Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC. He is a lead author of the chapter on National and Sub-National Policies and Institutions.
Assessment reports are prepared by leading academics and experts who are organized in teams and whose output is extensively reviewed.
In Vigo, authors discuss the comments from the expert review of the first order draft of the WGIII contribution to the AR5 and will prepare plans to provide the second order draft of the report for a new external review by February 2013.
The meeting in Spain, Nov 5-9, 2012, is the third of four meetings, and was preceded by gatherings in South Korea (July 2011) and New Zealand (March 2012). The Working Group III contribution of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) will consist of 16 chapters and will be released in 2014.
Provided by University of Gothenburg