Honorary doctorate for Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna
On Feb. 10, 2016, the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) will confer a joint honorary doctorate on Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna. On the occasion of its Patron Saint's Day, the university wishes to honour them for their ground-breaking work in the field of genome editing.
On the basis of fundamental research into the immune system of bacteria, Professor Emmanuelle Charpentier and Professor Jennifer Doudna demonstrated that the CRISPR-Cas9 defence system could be harnessed to alter the genetic code in a targeted way. Their discovery has revolutionised the methodology for studying the genome and opens unexpected possibilities for the treatment of genetic disorders.
An interview with honorary doctors Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna is available here: http://www.kuleuven.be/english/news/2016/doudna_and_charpentier.
On the occasion of its Patron Saint's Day, KU Leuven will also award honorary doctorates to Italian writer Alessandro Baricco, human rights activist Peter N. Bouckaert, engineer and computer scientist Anantha P. Chandrakasan, and dispute resolution expert Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow. More information about the honourees is available here: http://www.kuleuven.be/english/news/2015/ku-leuven-awards-five-honorary-doctorates.
Provided by KU Leuven