1st Workshop on Business Models for Renewable Energy Aggregators, Brussels, Belgium
On Tuesday, September 27th 2016, more than 40 participants attended the 1st Workshop on Business Models for Renewable Energy Aggregators held at 3E headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. The event represented a unique opportunity to obtain an overview of the existing framework and business models available in Europe for the aggregation of renewable energy sources and explore the benefits from collaborating with the aggregators
The event was organized by WIP – Renewable Energies in the framework of the European project BestRES and hosted by 3E.
The organizers were happy to welcome to the workshop the most relevant stakeholders operating in the field of RES aggregation: EC representatives, electric power industry associations, consumer associations, grid operators and renewable energy aggregators.
During the workshop, the BestRES partners had the opportunity to present the results obtained during the first seven months of the project. The workshop was very interactive. The participants provided valuable input during the workshop´s sessions and the panel discussion.
The objectives of the workshop were:
- Obtain an overview of the existing business models available in Europe for the aggregation of renewable energy sources
- Provide the relevant stakeholders with the benefits from collaborating with aggregators, and the evaluation of regulatory, legal and technical barriers for deployment of the business models
- Provide detailed information on energy services downstream developed by the aggregators for industrial, commercial or domestic customers whom own generation and storage units or can offer demand response
- Highlight the values created by aggregators to the market players upstream such as BRPs, DSOs, TSOs and energy suppliers to optimize their portfolio and for balancing and congestion management
Towards the fulfillment of those commitments, the following relevant speakers, and moderators were invited to share their experiences with the participants throughout the different sessions of the Workshop.
Introduction – Business models for RES aggregators
Overview on the BestRES project – Silvia Caneva, Senior Project Manager, WIP–Renewable Energies
Aggregator business models & benefits of RES aggregation – Ruben Verhaegen, Expert Grids & Power Markets, 3E
Barriers for RES aggregation – Fabian Pause, Legal Expert, SUER
Session I – RES aggregation for balancing and congestion management of the energy system
Commission's introduction and remarks for the session – Manuel Sánchez, Team Leader Smart Grids, DG Energy, EC
The point of view of the electricity industry – Marion Labatut, Wholesale & Retail Market issues, EURELECTRIC
Distribution Systems, an opportunity for Aggregators – Didier Halkin, Settlement Processes & Balancing Products, ORES
Energy services for balancing and congestion management of the energy system – Paul Kreutzkamp, Managing Director, Next Kraftwerke Belgium
Session II – RES aggregators as providers of flexible and competitive electricity supply
How to facilitate engagement of domestic consumers in the electricity market? – Jörg Mühlenhoff, Project Coordinator on Renewable Energy, BEUC
The needs of the industrial electricity consumers – Mukund Bhagwat, Corporate Energy & Climate Affairs, Aurubis and IFIEC
Providing flexible and competitive electricity supply to consumers – Maximilian Kloess, Expert Power Economics & Trading, oekostrom AG
Panel discussion on the benefits of energy storage, demand response and RES aggregationDiscussion moderated by Frauke Thies, Executive Director of Smart Energy Demand Coalition – SEDC
– Manuel Sánchez, DG Energy, EC
– Marion Labatut, Eurelectric
– Didier Halkin, ORES
– Sebastien Mortier, INEA, EC
– Jörg Mühlenhoff, BEUC
– Mukund Bhagwat, Aurubis & IFIEC
The agenda and presentations of the workshop are available at the following link: bestres.eu/about-project/results/
More information:
The BestRES project aims to develop innovative business models for integration of renewable energy sources by aggregating distributed generation such as wind, PV, biogas, biomass, hydro, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and combining this with demand side management and energy storage.
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