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Scientists implement a closed-cycle algae processing mechanism

September 20th, 2017
Scientists from Russia and Germany implement a closed cycle algae processing mechanism
A unique cycle of processing algae into valuable materials and its residual biomass into sorbents for water purification with biogas generation was proposed by scientists of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) in collaboration with the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). Credit: Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

Scientists of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) in collaboration with the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) are planning a technique of processing algae into valuable materials and its residual biomass into sorbents for water purification with biogas generation. The project is to be implemented within 3 years' time.

They plan to grow microalgae (chlorella) and a higher aquatic plant, duckweed, in order to obtain lipids, carotenoids and pectin substances. These valuable components are used in medicine, energy, food and other industries.

Within the frameworks of the project, the researchers plan to make sorption materials for water purification from waste products produced by the cycle. The obtained sorbent may be used for drinking water, effluent treatment and water purification from heavy metals and oil products.

After water purification, the sorbent is also used resulting in biogas—methane with carbon dioxide. Methane is supposed to be used for household needs and carbon dioxide is necessary for algae aerating and its further growth.

"The uniqueness of our research is its closed-cycle mechanism. We proposed completely non-waste manufacturing, energy and resource-saving technology, that produces a number of valuable materials with a wide range of applications" said Natalia Politayeva, deputy director for science at the Higher School of Biotechnology and Food Technologies SPbPU.

Using duckweed to produce pectic substances is more economically advantageous than currently used valuable objects such as apples and citruses. The duckweed and microalgae chlorella grow in wildlife in natural climatic conditions, which is cost- effective for the project implementation.

Scientists from Russia and Germany implement a closed cycle algae processing mechanism
Scientists proposed non-waste manufacturing, energy and resource-saving technology, that produces a number of valuable materials with a wide range of applications. Credit: Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

Provided by Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University

Citation: Scientists implement a closed-cycle algae processing mechanism (2017, September 20) retrieved 11 February 2025 from
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