Bioaerosols size effects transmission of COVID-19
A new article currently undergoing scientific peer-review explains how SARS-CoV-2 can be spread through bioaerosols causing the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.
The research cites recent work conducted in two hospitals in Wuhan (China), showing that medical staff removing their protective equipment release from them a considerable number of particle with the virus that could cause others to get sick.
The aerosolization concept provides a pathway to help explain why COVID-19 is spreading so fast.
The idea may be important for public policy modification as many cities have advised residents to wear a facemask or at least a homemade one in public.
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More information:
Marcelo Guzman. Bioaerosol Size Effect in COVID-19 Transmission, (2020). DOI: 10.20944/preprints202004.0093.v1
Provided by University of Kentucky