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Co-creation ideas get validated at demo building "El Bloc dels Mestres"

February 28th, 2023

During the final co-creation workshop, the participants put their heads together to validate the implementation of the ideas in the Houseful demo building "El Bloc dels Mestres"

Last January, the HOUSEFUL partners AHC, LEITAT, AIGUASOL and WE&B, organized the third (and last!) co-creation workshop in Sabadell.

Participants included a variety of representatives: from housing associations, regional and local public administrations in environment and housing, private entities and tenants.

The workshop's objective was to involve stakeholders in validating the co-creation-ideas of the HOUSEFUL project, to better understand the implications of applying circular solutions on a day-to-day basis, and to identify needs and barriers relating to their incorporation.

Four co-creation ideas were discussed:
· Training protocol for the use and maintenance of solutions to ensure the involvement of the inhabitants.
· Visualization and communication of the benefits of HOUSEFUL solutions to connect them with the problems and motivations of the inhabitants.
· Guide for co-management of shared HOUSEFUL solutions to integrate the user into the use and maintenance phase, involving the inhabitants to identify their needs related to the operation of the solutions.
· Long-term social support for HOUSEFUL solutions since the management of social housing implies uncertainties in terms of displacement of inhabitants, new managers, changes in legislation, etc.

Before they attended the workshop, participants were shown the renovation works undertaken in the building that included the more sustainable materials used for the isolation of the façade or the solar panels installed on the roof. Moreover, they were shown the patio where the VertECO technology for treating grey water was going to be installed in the following weeks at the "El Bloc dels Mestres" demo building. Finally, the participants were keen to suggest further actions to help implement ongoing tasks with the building. For instance, they stressed the need to take into account that residents leave and new ones arrive. They also pointed to the existing social inequalities that are inherent in a social housing model.

Parallel to the last technological solutions being installed, tenants will be given some training, in-depth interviews, and questionnaires.

Stay tuned!

Provided by iCube Programme

Citation: Co-creation ideas get validated at demo building "El Bloc dels Mestres" (2023, February 28) retrieved 12 March 2025 from
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