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Webinar Series | Insights into assessing urban waste-heat sources for use in district heating

January 18th, 2024

Join us for this webinar hosted by Eurac Research! You can discover how to perform a technical and economic assessment of urban waste-heat sources for use in district heating with a focus on the case study of Madonna Bianca (Trento)

Urban areas show great opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of district heating and cooling networks. The users of thermal energy are often surrounded by manufacturing or tertiary sector activities rejecting in the environment the heat no more useful for internal processes or facilities operation.

To perform a techno-economic analysis of industrial and tertiary sector waste heat recovery in a well-defined urban area, mapping the sources is paramount.

This webinar looks at the various steps that this involves, drawing on a real-life scenario from a district in Trento, Italy.

11:00 -11:05: Welcome and introduction of the webinar

11:05-11:25: Insights into assessing urban waste-heat sources for use in district heating (Rosanna Paradiso, EURAC)

11:25-11:40: Q&A Session

11:40-11:45: Conclusions

Here is the sign-up link.

The webinar will be moderated by Mark Thompson, a Communication Officer at ICONS.

Get to know the panellist:

Rosanna holds an M.Sc. in Energy Engineering and a Master in Energy Management. She works as a researcher at the Institute for Renewable Energies at Eurac Research where she has been involved in several EU-funded projects, studying the energy efficiency improvement in manufacturing and tertiary sector activities.

So far, her main research interest is in industrial and urban area waste heat recovery for integration in low-temperature district heating networks.



Communication Managers:

Ilaria Orfino, ICONS,

Mark Thompson, ICONS,

Project website: Stardust (
Twitter: @stardusth2020
LinkedIn: Stardust project
YouTube: Stardust H2020

Provided by iCube Programme

Citation: Webinar Series | Insights into assessing urban waste-heat sources for use in district heating (2024, January 18) retrieved 14 January 2025 from
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