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#CircularWasteEU: ICONS' social media campaign for the International Day of Zero Waste 2024

March 4th, 2024

ICONS, in collaboration with many EU-funded projects, launches a social media campaign to support the International Day of Zero Waste 2024

The amount of waste generated by humanity is huge and contributes significantly to climate change, biodiversity and nature loss, and pollution. It is estimated that humanity generates between 2.1 billion and 2.3 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste every year, and only 61–62% of it is being correctly managed. Controlling humanity's production and consumption, and improving waste collection, recycling, and recovery have become crucial issues to guarantee the advancement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

To address the waste crisis, in 2022, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 30 March as International Day of Zero Waste. During International Day of Zero Waste, member States, organisations, civil society, the private sector, and other stakeholders are invited to engage in activities aimed to encourage the adoption of sustainable consumption and production practices, foster the transition to circularity, and raise awareness about the role of zero-waste initiatives.

Having an active role in various EU-funded projects in the field of circular economy, ICONS will take part in the International Day of Zero Waste 2024, with a joint social media campaign in collaboration with K-CCRI, Woodcircles, Reconstruct, Agro2Circular, Plastice, ViSS, B-ferst, Cultivate and Rebelion projects.

"It doesn't only represent an opportunity to make citizens aware of the zero-waste challenge, but also for existing projects and initiatives to join forces in reaching the common goal of circularity"—stated Marcello Bardellini Project Management Officer of K-CCRI project.

The campaign—#CircularWasteEU—will mostly consist of short videos in which project coordinators or partners explain how circularity can guarantee a potentially zero-waste world, and how their project is addressing the issue.

Each project will spread the campaign through its own channels, starting from 4 March 2024 to allow potential interested parties to join until 30 March.

Any other initiative, project or company interested in joining the campaign is welcome.

Contact person:

Federica Fusco

Communication Officer, ICONS foundation

Photo credits: Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Provided by iCube Programme

Citation: #CircularWasteEU: ICONS' social media campaign for the International Day of Zero Waste 2024 (2024, March 4) retrieved 13 January 2025 from
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