DARWIN and DETECTIVE projects announce their clustering
Horizon Europe-funded projects DARWIN and DETECTIVE ready to explore synergies to maximise their impact
Two research projects—DARWIN and DETECTIVE—are set to work side by side as they seek to contribute to the traceability and authenticity of plant and animal products derived from New Genomic Techniques (NGTs). Their work is funded to support the EU's Farm to Fork strategy which recognises the role that new innovative techniques can play to promote sustainable farming and food systems.
Both projects are funded under the same Horizon Europe call, and they are aligned in terms of goals and expected impacts. They pioneer detection methods for certain products derived from NGTs, empower stakeholders, facilitate informed consumer choices and advance NGT innovations in the food system. They are complementary in their technical work, the use of state-of-the-art technologies, and stakeholder engagement, coupled with the development of decision-support systems based on the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles. As such, they will generate valuable results and propose recommendations for enforcement authorities, laboratories, developers, food business operators and policy makers in line with regulatory requirements.
Over the coming months, DARWIN and DETECTIVE will continue to explore new ways for clustering and find synergies to maximise their expected impact. More information about each project can be found on the dedicated websites and social media channels.
DARWIN Contacts:
Project coordinator: Odd-Gunnar Wikmark, NORCE, ogwi@norceresearch.no
Communication Managers: Jelena Lazić, Project Management Officer, ICONS, jelena.lazic@icons.it
Erika Novellini, Communication and Dissemination Officer, ICONS, erika.novellini@icons.it
Website: https://darwin-ngt.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/darwin- project-ngt/
Project coordinator: Dennis Eriksson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, dennis.eriksson@slu.se
Communication Manager: Daniel Traon, ARCADIA, daniel.traon@arcadia-international.net
Website: https://detective-ngt.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/he- detective/
Provided by iCube Programme