Leading bed bug experts to speak in San Diego
As bed bugs continue to be found in homes and public buildings across the country, some of the leading bed bug experts will meet at Entomology 2010, the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America (ESA) and the largest insect science meeting in the world.
On Tuesday, December 14, 2010, at the Town and Country Resort and Convention Center, a full day of bed bug research will be presented during two symposia: "Bed Bugs, People, and Politics" and "Cultural Adaptation and Deployment of Scientific Advances Pursuant to Bed Bug (Cimex lectularius) Elimination in the United States."
The first, "Bed Bugs, People, and Politics" (8:00 AM-12:00 PM), will feature the following presentations:
- "Bed bugs' impact on health and public workers," Harold Harlan, Medical Entomologist
- "The bug that nobody knows: Extension entomology's worst nightmare," by Michael Potter, University of Kentucky
- "Extension education to prevent the spread of bed bugs: Helping public health and social service workers cope with bed bug infestations," by Stephen Kells, University of Minnesota
- "The Central Ohio Bed Bug Task Force: A diverse collaborative endeavor," by Susan C. Jones, The Ohio State University
- "CimEX and The City: Only in New York?" by Louis N. Sorkin, American Museum of Natural History
- "Arming an unarmed populace," by Mark D. Sheperdigian, Rose Pest Solutions
- "Bed bug infestations in low-income housing," by Changlu Wang, Rutgers University
- "Bed bug demographics, and economic impacts in rental facilities," by Dini Miller, Virginia Tech
The second symposium, "Cultural Adaptation and Deployment of Scientific Advances Pursuant to Bed Bug (Cimex lectularius) Elimination in the United States" (1:15-5:00 PM), will feature the following:
- "Special problems in bed bug control
- A management perspective," by Janis Reed, ABC Pest & Lawn Services
- "Insecticide resistance in bed bugs," by Kenneth F. Haynes, University of Kentucky
- "The development of Phantom® termiticide-insecticide for bed bug control: A cooperative effort," by Robert Hickman, BASF Pest Control Solutions
- "Heat Remediation principals applied to entomology, the hottest treatment for bed bugs," by Thomas Jarzynka, Massey Services
- "Molecular research on bed bugs," by Allen Szalanski, UIniversity of Arkansas
- "Bed bugs in the Big Apple," by Jill Gordon, Mantis Consulting
- "Bringing it all together
- Concluding remarks," by Stuart Mitchell, Springer Pest Solutions
Provided by Entomological Society of America