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Nuclear magnetic moments

December 23rd, 2010

Nuclear magnetic moment provides a highly sensitive probe into the single-particle structure and serves as a stringent test of nuclear models. In recent decades, the facilities with radioactive ion beam models to study nuclear magnetic moments make it possible to measure the magnetic moments of neutron-rich and proton-rich nuclei with high precision. On the theoretical side, many nuclear structure models, including advanced shell models, and self-consistent mean-field theories, have succeeded analyzing many nuclear structure properties. However, the extension of these models to the study of nuclear magnetic moments is quite limited and unsatisfactory. The magnetic dipole moments of most atomic nuclei throughout the periodic table still remain unexplained and the under-lying physics mechanism is not fully understood.

In view of these facts, SCIENCE CHINA: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy editorial board has invited a number of major theoretical nuclear physicists in the research field of nuclear magnetic moments and related topics to contribute to this special topic. However, due to the page limitation the discussion on the topic presents just a fraction of the progress in this field.

This special issue on "Nuclear magnetic moments and related topics" consists of ten selected papers, which review the progress not only on the theoretical description of nuclear magnetic moments, but also on the recent development of closely related subjects including nuclear pairing, quantum phase transitions as well as nuclear masses in microscopic models. This issue is also intended to identify common goals to deepen understanding of nuclear structure.

In summary, theoretical description of nuclear magnetic moments is one of the long-standing subjects. More important progress will be made in the near future.

Provided by Science in China Press

Citation: Nuclear magnetic moments (2010, December 23) retrieved 26 January 2025 from
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