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Medical Xpress / Study across multiple brain regions discerns Alzheimer's vulnerability and resilience factors

An MIT study published in Nature provides new evidence for how specific cells and circuits become vulnerable in Alzheimer's disease, and hones in on other factors that may help some people show resilience to cognitive decline, ...

Jul 24, 2024 in Neuroscience
Medical Xpress / How different areas of the prefrontal cortex influence time variability in individual monkeys

Neuroscientists from RIKEN have discovered the effects that different areas in the prefrontal cortex of macaque monkeys have on the variability in the time it takes them to perform tasks involving quick decisions. This information ...

Jul 18, 2024 in Neuroscience
Medical Xpress / Brain changes seen in kids with conduct disorder

Defiance, tantrums, aggression: All signs of a condition called conduct disorder, which Mental Health America says affects up to 16% of boys and 9% of girls.

Jul 17, 2024 in Neuroscience
Medical Xpress / Children with conduct disorder show widespread brain structural differences, finds new international study

Conduct disorder in young people is associated with differences in surface area across much of the brain, compared to the brains of typically developing children, new research shows.

Jul 16, 2024 in Psychology & Psychiatry
Medical Xpress / Cognitive skills in early toddlerhood: Study demonstrates importance of 16-months

Toddlers engage more regions of their brains around 16-months to help them develop important cognitive skills, enabling them to follow simple instructions and control impulses. Findings from the study, led by the Universities ...

Jul 10, 2024 in Neuroscience
Medical Xpress / Tastes from our past can spark memories, trigger pain or boost well-being. How to embrace food nostalgia

Have you ever tried to bring back fond memories by eating or drinking something unique to that time and place?

Jul 9, 2024 in Psychology & Psychiatry
Medical Xpress / Brain-imaging study reveals curiosity as it emerges

You look up into the clear blue sky and see something you can't quite identify. Is it a balloon? A plane? A UFO? You're curious, right? A research team based at Columbia's Zuckerman Institute has for the first time witnessed ...

Jul 8, 2024 in Neuroscience
Medical Xpress / Scientists map the distribution of lipids in the human brain

Scientists have found that 93% of the lipids in brain tissue are distributed differently in the white and gray matter, the subcortex, the visual and motor cortices, and the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making, ...

Jul 5, 2024 in Neuroscience
Medical Xpress / Midbrain dopamine neurons can retain short-term memories, study shows

Dopamine neurons in the midbrain are involved in storing short-term memories—a function previously thought to be conducted solely in the prefrontal cortex—two RIKEN neuroscientists have shown1. The work is published in ...

Jul 4, 2024 in Neuroscience
Medical Xpress / Feeling hot triggers impulsive behavior and irritability

Heat blanketed Chicago during the summer of 2022, with hot, sticky days followed by sweltering nights.

Jun 28, 2024 in Psychology & Psychiatry
Medical Xpress / Study reveals significant differences in RNA editing between postmortem and living human brain

Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have shed valuable light on the nuanced functions and intricate regulatory methods of RNA editing, a critical mechanism underlying brain development and disease.

Jun 28, 2024 in Genetics