Science X Dialog

Science X Dialog is where researchers can share news and information about their own published journal articles.
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Dialog / Recycled environmental waste into useful nanomaterials: What makes them so important for sustainable development

Nanotechnology deals with the synthesis and modification of physical and chemical properties of the material at an extremely small scale. How small is nano? Nanomaterials should have one of their dimensions between 1-100 ...

Sep 13, 2021 in Nanotechnology
Dialog / Issues to consider before insuring a green building

Rising public awareness of the environmental challenges is a major factor in the popularization of sustainable construction. However, with the benefits that sustainable construction offers, there are new liability risks and ...

Sep 6, 2021 in Earth
Dialog / A quarter of sun-like stars eat their own planets

How rare is our solar system? In the 30 years or so since planets were first discovered orbiting stars other than our sun, we have found that planetary systems are common in the galaxy. However, many of them are quite different ...

Aug 31, 2021 in Astronomy & Space
Dialog / Studying ancient lake mud to discover climate change in the Australian Alps 1,600 years ago

If you've ever visited Australia's highest peak—Mount Kosciuszko—you might remember the long uphill trek to the summit past some of Australia's most picturesque and rugged landscapes. Vibrant snow gums, boardwalks with ...

Aug 31, 2021 in Earth
Dialog / Scientists discover quantum mechanical switching in ferritin structures similar to those found in neural tissue

Quantum mechanics generally refers to the wave-like properties of things that are commonly considered to be particles, such as electrons. This article discusses evidence of a quantum mechanical switching function that is ...

Aug 30, 2021 in Physics
Dialog / Where does the law stand on green construction in the U.S?

The U.S has been actively trying to popularize green practices in the construction industry for the past few decades. Many green programs have emerged to provide guidance for green construction, such as LEED, which was developed ...

Aug 19, 2021 in Technology
Dialog / We trained AI to recognise footprints, but it won't replace forensic experts yet

We rely on experts all the time. If you need financial advice, you ask an expert. If you are sick, you visit a doctor, and as a juror you may listen to an expert witness. In the future, however, artificial intelligence (AI) ...

Aug 19, 2021 in Technology
Dialog / Quantum entanglement is explained in classic terms

In many quantum measurement experiments and thought experiments, measurement results appear that do not seem to have classic explanations. As example: In quantum particle spin experiments, entangled particles appear to interact ...

Aug 17, 2021 in Physics
Dialog / Deciphering the binary compact object mergers through gamma-ray astronomy

During the height of the cold war in 1967, the Vela military satellites of the United States observed mysterious flashes of gamma rays. Due to the lack of information regarding their origin, the discovery of these events ...

Aug 16, 2021 in Astronomy & Space
Dialog / How can the U.S learn from the German and Japanese experiences in waste management?

After the defeat of Germany and Japan in World War II, many of their industrial plants and infrastructure were demolished. This gave the two nations a serious devotion to rebuilding their capacities. The outstanding transformation ...

Aug 12, 2021 in Earth
Dialog / Humans could recolonize Earth after mass extinctions with ectogenesis

Lately it seems that every movie, book and video game we see is about future apocalypses. Science articles are also painting a grim future for Earth and its inhabitants. If it's not global warming that will get us, it will ...

Aug 6, 2021 in Astronomy & Space
Dialog / Learning how squirrels judge their leaps so successfully

Tree squirrels are the Olympic divers of the rodent world, leaping gracefully among branches and structures high above the ground. And as with human divers, a squirrel's success in this competition requires both physical ...

Aug 6, 2021 in Biology