Science X Dialog
Science X Dialog is where researchers can share news and information about their own published journal articles.
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Dialog / Resilience in the depths: Silky shark regenerates wounded dorsal fin
A skin resembling armor, rapid healing abilities, continuous tooth renewal and the capability for limb regeneration—this might sound like the description of a creature from a superhero film. Surprisingly, these are standard ...
Dialog / A method to straighten curved space-time
One of the greatest challenges of modern physics is to find a coherent method for describing phenomena, on the cosmic and microscale. For over a hundred years, to describe reality on a cosmic scale we have been using general ...
Dialog / Quantum thermal transistors: Harnessing quantum measurement and feedback
Researchers are actively engaged in the dynamic manipulation of quantum systems and materials to realize significant energy management and conservation breakthroughs.
Dialog / Resilience and recovery: Navigating mental health challenges in disaster response
Mental health is a crucial aspect of disaster response and emergency management, as individuals and communities can experience significant psychological distress and trauma during and after such events. Hazards, whether natural ...
Dialog / Crystal language empowers AI to design novel materials with desired properties
Over the past decade, generative deep learning models have been applied successfully to the design of novel drug molecules, organic synthesis routes, and functional molecules tailored for electronic/optoelectronic devices. ...
Dialog / Seeing the forest for the birds: Ten principles for bird-friendly forestry
Most of the world's natural forests are subject to logging operations, many of which are highly detrimental to forest birds and other wildlife, and demand for timber is expected to continue to grow. Europe has the highest ...
Dialog / Navigating the analytics frontier: Problem-centric thinking and the cognitive revolution
In today's data-driven world, data analytics has become a cornerstone of decision-making. However, despite the transformative potential, a significant number of analytics projects fail.
Dialog / Getting families to agree to organ donation: Cash payments, funeral benefits, or no incentives?
Most countries experience substantial shortages of available organs for transplantation. Technological advancements and aging populations further expand the transplant waitlist every year.
Dialog / How a pathogenic bacterium uses molecular mimicry to compromise a cell's protein building factory
The central dogma of molecular biology postulates that the information packets encoded within the molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are first transcribed into molecules of messenger ribonucleic acids (mRNAs), and then ...
Dialog / Circadian stress response provides an insight into metabolic communication via the mitochondrial epigenome
Who needs science fiction when you have the mitochondria? Billions of years ago, early plant and animal cells were infected by protobacteria which sought refuge from the outside world. Over time, these bacteria formed a symbiosis ...
Dialog / Development of a high flow rate cantilever fan
Cantilever fans move air through a flapping action, similar to hand-fans. Commercially available, they are combined with a piezoelectric bender, which provides their motive force. These fans are low noise, low power and have ...
Dialog / Researchers describe the journey of thermal antibubbles in a hot bath
Bubbles are thin liquid shells surrounded by air. Although less well known, there are also antibubbles, which are the opposite of bubbles, i.e., a thin envelope of vapor surrounded by liquid. In a new study, we show that ...