Medical Xpress news

Medical Xpress / Finding the sweet spot in brain development: Study discovers receptor protein regulates timing of temporary connections

Not everything in the brain is meant to last. As our brains assemble, trillions of neural connections have to be built or torn down at the right time and place. Otherwise, the seeds of disorders like autism can take root.

Jul 1, 2024 in Neuroscience
Medical Xpress / New transparent 'blood vessel-on-a-chip' could reduce animal testing

Researchers have developed a "blood vessel-on-a-chip" for heart disease with the potential to change the future of drug testing and development. The technology could also reduce our reliance on animal testing.

Jul 1, 2024 in Cardiology
Medical Xpress / Researchers discover novel way to make breast cancer cells die

Oregon State University researchers have discovered compounds that convert a protein known for protecting cancer cells into a tumor killer.

Jul 1, 2024 in Oncology & Cancer
Medical Xpress / New cellular mechanisms in Parkinson's disease discovered

A pair of recent studies led by Joseph Mazzulli, Ph.D., associate professor in The Ken & Ruth Davee Department of Neurology's Division of Movement Disorders, have uncovered previously unknown cellular mechanisms involved ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Neuroscience
Medical Xpress / Researchers develop triage system to enhance pandemic preparedness

Animal influenza viruses such as swine and bird flu pose a risk to humans, in particular those in the farming and veterinarian communities. Most recently, flu viruses have been circulating in cow populations, contaminating ...

Medical Xpress / Common respiratory infections may have protected children from COVID-19, study suggests

Analyzing nasal swabs taken during the pandemic, researchers at Yale School of Medicine suggest that the frequent presence of other viruses and bacteria may have helped to protect children from the worst effects of COVID-19 ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Immunology
Medical Xpress / Study shows activity of claustrum neurons controls alertness level, engagement of sensory information

A new study has uncovered the pivotal role of a brain structure called the claustrum in regulating engagement, from deep sleep to waking behavior.

Jul 1, 2024 in Neuroscience
Medical Xpress / New findings may fix the replicability crisis in microbiome research

Our bodies are inhabited by trillions of microorganisms, with specific microbes unique to each individual. Through experimentation, scientists have pinpointed certain factors that account for variation in the gut: diet, living ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Medical research
Medical Xpress / Pregnant women might not be receiving nicotine replacement therapy long enough to quit smoking

Maternal use of quit smoking medicine aligns with current clinical advice, but low completion rates of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) may mean that pregnant women need more support to successfully quit smoking, a review ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Obstetrics & gynaecology
Medical Xpress / Blood test can help predict risk of obstructive sleep apnea

Measuring the level of homocysteine—an amino acid—in the blood can help predict a person's risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea, a disorder characterized by recurrent interruptions in breathing due to relaxation ...

Medical Xpress / Herpes infections take major economic toll globally, new research shows

Genital herpes infections and their related complications lead to billions of dollars in health care expenditures and productivity losses globally, according to the first ever global estimates of the economic costs of these ...

Medical Xpress / Umbilical cord milking does not appear to increase risk of neurodevelopmental delay in non-vigorous infants

A treatment to move blood from the umbilical cord into the body of newborns who are limp, pale and with minimal breathing, known as non-vigorous, does not appear to increase the risk of neurodevelopmental impairment, according ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Neuroscience